Mid Summer 2024
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2024
Mid Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

Early Summer 2019

Is this tropical milkweed? Beautiful red color

I am not sure. I just know it is considered a Red butterfly milkweed. I got this from a lady who sells plants from her yard.

A very beautiful deep red. Is this the orginam

This is tropical milkweed, it has many names such as blood flower, Scarlett Red, Mexican Flame Vine and etc. That's the deepest red I've ever seen it... did you happen to change the lighting in the camera filters or this is the way it looks at eye view? It's a nectar source and a host plant for Monarchs. It's hard to control the aphid attraction, more so than others. I don't know what zone you're in but bring it during the winter for some zones and in others cut it down in the fall to prevent th

... to prevent the spread of OE & plus it's encouraged to do so that the Monarchs will not be tempted to stay instead of migrate back when they are suppose to then their chances of survival are less to none. That is if your doing it for them... you may just like the color and plant itself. You can also divide it at the roots and make another plant out of it and then you can also take stem cutting to grow the amount that you have. I have 2 that I divided down the middle and reported then buried

... buried those 2 pots in the ground so in the fall I can easily just dig them up by pot&bring them in. I also keep 1 in a pot outside but not buried and then I have 2 more in the house for back up just in case the caterpillars run out and need an emergency stock. I do it for the butterflies though. I use no pesticides. They love water, Sun changed out to shade. I'm still kind of new at this so I don't even know when to look for seed pods or how to collect them. I started out with 1 live plant

... only but took great care in cutting down the middle, then let them adust and did stem cuttings. All are thriving wonderfully. Youd think real I live that you could find common mw, swamp mw, showy mw, etc easy but I've had no luck at it so far. Goodluck for whatever your reason is for growing it. Beautiful red, beautiful pic💕.

Asclepias curassavica: Tropical mw, Mexican mw Scarlet mw, Bloodflower, Swallow-wort, Silkweed-Top plant 4 monarch egg laying. Monarch butterflies&others use as a nectar source. Showy red&yellow blooms all sum. Seeding is not an issue in annual zones. Easy2transplant Perennial: USDA hardiness zones 8a-11 (lows -12.2 °C or 10 °F) Annual 4zones below 8a. Full sun. Deer&rabbit resistant. Still flowers while it produces seed-Blooms all season. Perennial:USDA hardiness zones 8a-11 so overwinter.

Start cuttings or buy plants 4 full season bloom period. Lusher leaves in partial shade. *Taking cuttings at season’s end to place in water overwinter. Collect seed pods as they start2 crack open Plants can be overwintered inside. Southern California, Florida & Tex gardeners need 2 onsider cutting back trop. plants 2 the ground Nfall 2 cut down the spread of OE & encourage the monarchs 2 finish their fall migration.Try staggering ur cuttings (cut back 1/2 now, the other 2 wks after that. GL.

I just got a rooting hormone so i definitely want to try regrowing but i need to do my research first. I got this because its beautiful and i love butterflies. ❤️
#catapiller #monarch