Mid Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

Milkweed planted in the mailbox garden. #zone5 #zone5b #milkweed

Looks like milkweed. Monarch butterflies depend on this plant!!
This plant is a mystery to me. Are we sure this is Milkweed and will it ever flower?:
They are and they should, I think they flower later summer
Thanks @lesliecole49 no wonder I cut them like a weed in past years, they take forever to bloom.
Looks different then any of my milkweed. I have 3 different kinds and none have leaves like that.
Thanks @ambitiouswolf every year I cut them like a weed. This year I'm trying to let them grow so I can see what they are. They are very tall with no buds. Stay tuned for an update later in the season...if I have the patience to wait lol
For sure asclepias, syriaca maybe? @petitelake
Thanks @tinaaune I'm still on the fence, does it stay or does it go....
I keep a few and very easy to pull what u don't want, they will colonize a spot so keep that in mind ☺ @petitelake
@KelsiBriana fruit, like berries?
@tinaaune colonization scares me. I'm keeping a close eye on this one.
Keep as many as you can, this is the original milkweed host plant that the monarch butterfly lives (thrives) on
Keep it!