Acer palmatum
Japanese Maple
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 11
Mid Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 9
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 6

Acer palmatum
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017
Late Summer 2017

My #japanesemaple #tree is doing Great in #mynewgarden not the best pic..glommy out today😲 @jennlamaye see the baby😍 #maple #tree #goldfeatheringleaves

I know @cyndi I have this one,which was a little thing, is the feathery leaf and I have a Red Maple seedling to place in front yard.. whoops,I see another flowerbed in the❣️@cyndi These were #gifted to me by @jennlamaye

I hope that both of these go well maybe I can give babies away yrs to come😍😍 @cyndi

@cyndi I'll send you seeds... I've never tried germinating them before, but I'm going to try too.

@cyndi ❤️💕🌱💕❤️

@cyndi for all seeds? Or just these?

@cyndi super interesting read!

That's So Super Cool❣️I'm so into reading things like that...Thxs for sharing. 💕😍

@cyndi I keep my seeds in a cool rm inside dark box..I don't have rm right now for fridge but will soon and I'll do that. The magnolia u sent is in fridge til Spring..hubby asked me y I hadn't done that to my spring flowers when I pulled them up..I laughed and told him a side by side fridge won't hold all I❣️

Nahh!..He'd use it for the!! @cyndi

Lmbo❣️ @cyndi
Mid Summer 2017

These are ready for homes I've gotten ready for them.. @jennlamaye #gift #japanesemaple #redleaves #seedlings

Awww! They look great! 🌱

This is next challenge, Acer keys to germinate, am using beech leaf compost, looking great little babies

Thxs! @jennlamaye @thehardygardener I'm looking for the right spots to put them I know 2 are going in my front yard and a flowerbed will start soon enough with them. Also,there is a so-called peach tree in the bk yard that wasn't taken care of and so it will be cut down and I'll be placing one there and a enlongated bed in the middle of the three trees(tulip,pear,and maple) I think that will be a great location. The others will alone the far edge of the property and hopefully with beds soon.😍

These look different than mine....
Early Summer 2017

@jennlamaye Jenn,they r doing good. It won't b too long they r going into the ground. Guess hubby needs to get to work on that bed I!😂 #seedlings #goldfeatheringleaves #japanesemaple #tree #shade


Oh Yeah! @jennlamaye 😎
Late Spring 2017

Jenn,Still Looking Fab!🙆💃 @jennlamaye #maple #red #japanesemaple #seedling #upclose #tree

My Japanese maple tree saplings finally recooped and have a ton of tiny leaves! :)

I'm so mad at that storm people except GTer's have no idea all toe work to get it there and now what you have to do! When it's storms so bad there's pots that got so soaked I know I have to change out that soaked dirt. I usually lay a plastic table cloth over my picnis table and dump out as much soaked dirt to dry and dread buying bags of more potting soil, cactus I wish I could come help

Maybe people can at least help with tips to make things easier I know when mine were right a the corner and all the rain from the roof blasted out a lot of the dirt I at least got all of them upright but hopefully you can save a lot of your dirt and everyone call help with great ideas I'm sure that didn't help but it will be ok acetaker I have faith your such a silly easy going person ...... just one pot at a time you could of been Dorothy in Kansas!!! Just trying to make you smile@terr

Thxs Terri!😁 It's just all the work for the 2nd time is so frustrating! I have bad probs with back and legs and feel like I really accomplished something then these storms. Jenn, @jennlamaye was so kind in sending seeds to brighten garden and now don't know if I can save what seedlings that were making a great start to nature and a Smile for me...ERRR!😞 Time,money,sweat from the beginning of laying beds to now seems like we just started. I hope that the veggie garden atleast will recoop after

CONT.... A few days. Thxs for your Attempt to make me Smile...I NEED IT,Terri!🤓😂 @terrimclaughlin

@jennlamaye ok m so glad that they recooped😊 The ones u sent me r the only pot that wasn't destroyed in the wind and rain storm. They r tough cookies.

@Acetaker I'm so glad to hear that! I keep my eyes out for any other little sprouts I can find by our neighbor's yard. They don't care about the landscaping, much. :(

@Acetaker and I'm surprised... The Japanese baby trees I had, I thought I had killed over the winter. But they just popped a ton of leaves out and grew a couple inches in a month or two!
Late Spring 2017

Another pk of #seedlings Jenn @jennlamaye sent.... She's so Kind!😍 #potted #japanesemaple #maple #giving #red

Glad to share the love! :)

💖💖💖 Jenn @jennlamaye
Late Spring 2017

Received #seedlings from Jenn @jennlamaye She was Fab at making sure the were moist and protect for the trip. #japanesemaple #fuzzyleaves #red #potted #giving #maple

I thought I killed most of mine, but as I was digging through I found them. Lol. I must have buried them when I was watering!

@columbiariver Laura,Yes they are...Jenn @jennlamaye did A GREAT JOB,in her prep for mailing

Jenn,I'm glad u found them..I would of felt bad u gave me babe's and u loose yours. @jennlamaye

@Acetaker I know where to find more! Lol :)

Yeap..I'm here for ya gf!😉 @jennlamaye
This #red #japanesemaple #tree is growing well in my frt. flowerbed. Come Spring I'll do some trimming. ✂️I didn't want to disturb it too soon. #seedling #maple #ornamental