Mid Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

Looking over my #mums I saw this little #catapillar wiggling through her petals. @treefrog44 @cyndi Would u know what this little guy is? #insect #wildlifewednesday #upclose #macro #chrysanthemum

Looks like an inch worm, or cabbage looper

@Acetaker eeek I would remove as you might find there’s not my blossom left after this little critter 🐛has had its dinner. 😳🙈🌸

TY! @treefrog44 @pixierose
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

A #collage of my #gifted #chrysanthemums in bloom. I've been seeing little dug out holes and Jr,the squirrel,is the quilty one. He and I are going to!😂🐿️

You got some purdy mum's! If Jr. Let's you!😂😂💘😍
Early Autumn 2017

All my #gifted #chrysanthemums have #newgrowth and trying to bloom! It's Fab if I can keep Jr,the squirrel🐿️ out of!😉😊😍 #collage #mums

Yay! I'm so happy for you! ❤💜💙💚

Thxs❣️ @PunkyKy They all r looking good and I tugged alittle on them,so maybe getting some little roots😯😉😍

Yay! I'm glad I could help be a part of your #chrysanthemum haven you have going on there! ❤💜❤ Now Jr 🐿 stay out of them! Those aren't your flowers! Lol🤣

Yay!🎉 I'm glad I could help be a part of your #chrysanthemum haven you have going on there! ❤💜❤ Now Jr 🐿 stay out of them! Those aren't your flowers! Lol🤣

U tellem Girl...Maybe he'll listen to!😍 @PunkyKy

Lol I'll have some squirrel soup! Lol🐿 😜🤗🤣
Early Autumn 2017

Here are all my cuttings of #mums gifted to me by @cyndi and just 2day @PunkyKy There is a variety of colors from light and dark pink,and some red. I cleaned them up and the larger ones trimmed them and put them in. Hopefully they all will root B4 it gets to cold.

I have a new purple one too ...I just got it yesterday! I want to send you a cutting of it too! 💜🌱 It's not as dark and not a light as the other two! ,🌼💜 It's very pretty! would you like some @cyndi ?

Cool! the mums..hehe!😁 @PunkyKy

I can send you more cutting if you bushes are pretty full! 💐🌸🌼💐

If u want to Kyla😁 I'll taken and finish filling these planters. @PunkyKy

I just put them in the #ground this morning so they'll take #root before the #cold sets in. My dark purple ones are blooming like crazy....the pink ones are starting to open and the pale smokey purple were already blooming when I got them...blooms are starting to die on it....forgot to put that one in the But my new bright purple one is in full bloom! Covered in #blooms!!

I'll send you a few more cuttings girl! Give me a few days, ok? Low on cash....sent out three packages. And I bought too many plants online this month! I'm obsessed with carnivorous plants! Lol😂🐜🐝🐞🕷

That's fine Kyla. Just when u like is fine😁 @PunkyKy

I'll get them to yall soon.... I shouldn't be too much for just a few. #chrysanthemum cuttings. Probably like 6 bucks. Altogether. I can handle that! Plus y'all are worth it! @Acetaker @cyndi

Aww❣️😳U r too,Girl❣️Love ❤️and Hugs❣️🤗 @PunkyKy
Early Autumn 2017

This #mum #cutting from @cyndi has gotten a few more leaves. The others r a time of wait and see😁
Late Summer 2017

This #chrysanthemum #cutting was #gifted to me by @cyndi It's coming along well,but his partner didn't.😢 Cyndi,the Angel Azalea didn't make it and so far 1 of the hydrangea have as well..I think I'm loosing my Green Thumb or is it because it's broke right now😢.? Will it get better after surgery...lmbo❣️

Do you use same medium of wood chips for mulching. I would reduce mulch as that will constrain sunlight to reach the plant. Some plant bulbs needs to be kept a bit moist and Mums are one of them. Try dried leaves mulch if you still want to do. See how much shade is generated by nearby plants #advice

@cyndi I figured that may happen just holding out til next Spring...hehe!

Thxs @gauravsh6
My #stemcuttings of #chrysanthemums are coming along Fabulously! There are smaller pieces I took off of each that are showing signs of blooming too. ROOTING: Place them into soil, mulch around them and keep soil moist. #fallblooms #autumnflowers #rooting #collage #fallcollage
@acetaker.. you can take cuttings off the stems?
@nancyanne yes,that's what I've done with these that were gifted to me. The ones that have just a few blooms to alot are all stemcuttings in both window boxes.😊