Ruellia simplex
Mexican Petunia
Early Autumn 2017
- 19
Mid Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 8

Ruellia simplex
Early Autumn 2017
Mid Summer 2017

I have a #purple #bloom on my #mexicanpetunia @cyndi There are a few more so soon to bloom more.😄 I'm going to b trying to get the bed ready for them tomorrow,so I hope they r in for a move. 💕💕

I replanted several recently, dug them out of the yard and plunked them in a bed. They perked right up and have buds.

Thxs @lesliecole49
Mid Summer 2017

This is the plant @cyndi gave me. When planting a piece came off 😮 and now is as tall as original piece she sent😍 I am going to plant her soon. Just need use my imagination on where to place her. 🤔 I'm thinking new raised bed I am trying to start..but I don't think shell make it til funds roll!😊😉😁😂 #newgrowth #ruellia #hardypetunia #mexicanbluebell #acanthaceae #petunia #mexicanpetunia #upclose

Thxs Cyndi! @cyndi the hats what I there's 2😍
Mid Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Growing nicely in it's spot on the front porch. #newgrowth and #rooted the one section on the bottom. #ruellia #mexicanpetunia #hardypetunia #mexicanbluebell #acanthaceae

Yes this is what u sent me😍 This was 1 piece,but I guess I'm mailing it broke. Well,all is good I just stuck it in the pot with it now there's 2. It rooted quickly..YAYY! I'm going to place this in the flowerbed that I've starting on.

I ain't! @cyndi

Cyndi I'm in hopes to get a bed done and get them in it but til then I repotted and I'll post it for u to see. @cyndi


@rennezoe I was just gifted these a few wks ago from @cyndi . But if you'll give it a bit maybe they will put enough out I'll b glad to share with you 😁

Sounds like they're pretty prolific once they get going. Good luck!

Yes that's my hope,so I could get u some..fingers crossed on the move.. lol
These r showing their! #ruellia #mexicanpetunia #purpleflowers #petunia
@cyndi..where would the seeds be on this?
Chris, when the flower is done blooming a narrow/long pod will develop, gotta catch them right when they turn brown, they twist when dry and the little seeds inside go flying!
I think I sent u a smaller variety of Mexican Petunias but on mine I have no idea where the seeds t but as u can see in my profile they fly and grow everywhere let me know if I sent the Mexican Petunias if not I will I can send a small plt.
Thxs @treefrog44
@terrimclaughlin I believe we talked about them but I'll call u for sure and let ya know when they get here 😊
I just googled it cause I had never seen those seed pods I know they have em cause they grow all over plus they have rhizomes I guess thatās why mine make like s little group like that pic in that flower bed attached to my mail box. I only plts. one there but@treefrog44 Thxs cause Iām goiter to be looking itās just the Mexican Petunias here donāt grow taller than about 6-7 inches and very leafy there some states are calling them very invasive because they will take off Thxs
Yes, I was reluctant to plant till was reassured by several people in my area that not invasive here. @terrimclaughlin @treefrog44
@ofthought these spread fast by underground roots faster than seed, this from experience....just keep an eye on it, they pop up within feet of the original planting, they are a pain if you let them take over an area, and you change your mind.... It might be the cooler weather you have keeps them in check.There are many varieties, pink, white, purple flowers and a dwarf variety, known by ruella...
I had read up on them and will keep a CK on them. I put them in with the montebtia, fern and spiderwort so I was going with those and the other area, that I hope my seeds come up in spring,will b a good show of color next yr. @treefrog44 @ofthought @terrimclaughlin is sending me the dwarf variety to place around my mailbox..I've only got a short time to get what I want done. They r predicting on about 10 days Fall weather is coming. Highs in low 70s,windy,and lows in 40s.
Brrrrrr @Acetaker I will keep my 90s thank you! 😘
@treefrog44 yes, I just got tiny pink and white varieties. Thanks for the heads up on what an invasive behavior would look like. I will keep an eye out!