Ruellia simplex
Mid Winter 2018
Late Autumn 2017

#mexicanpetunia #giftfromterrimclaughlin ? 💕

Mine are purple!

@lesliecole49 I had to guess on color. I think I was told it’s pink. Lol

@terrimclaughlin these were doing so well, then got attacked by white flies. It didn’t like being sprayed with neem. 😞 hope it bounces back! It was so beautiful!

@jennelamaye those r also purple their very tuff it looks good👍🏻🤗. Did I send you the one with the purple and green leaves?? The Moses in the Cradle??? I still need to send cyndi some I’ll send you a couple these will be bigger and hopefully will do ok but it won’t be till right after Xmas. I missed everyone 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I was so sad! The Moses in the cradle was the only thing that didn’t make it. I either over or under watered it. They were so cute!! But don’t send anything my way for a while. The temps are way too extreme for anything to survive the mail. ❤️❤️❤️ I am very blessed by all the other gifts you sent. Thank you!!

Ok your right spring time will be good they’ll big much bigger
#mexicanpetunia kinda droopy.