Bulbine bulbosa syn. Bulbinopsis bulbosa
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

Last one for today :) bought an Australian native Bulbine Bulbosa cultivar named "bright star" and photographed him next to my B. Semibarbata to show the difference :) not sure if B. Bulbosa is naturally this much more succulent or if it's because of age, or because it's a cultivar. I do know the giant flower head is only due to cultivation but unsure about those fat leaves. Love it either way :) #oznative #bulbine #bulbinelily #bulbine-bulbosa
Flowers of the "Bright Star" cultivar of Bulbine Bulbosa :) certainly doesn't get this many flowers in the wild. Looks like it'll take ages til they finish flowering :D #oznative #flowers #bulbine #bulbine-bulbosa #succulent
Cyndi I found a photo.. they are pretty !! @cyndi