Tithonia rotundifolia syn Tithonia speciosa
Mexican Sunflower
Early Autumn 2023
- 1
Late Summer 2023
- 10
Late Summer 2022
- 1

Tithonia rotundifolia syn Tithonia speciosa
Early Autumn 2023
Late Summer 2023

#lasthurrah not going to bother with these next year, as much as I love the colour, waiting for one flower just isn't worth it 😂

This is one of those that takes a couple of years to establish. It should start producing more eventually...

@emch tithonia is an annual in uk

That’s one more flower than I’ve managed😂

@emch I have to plant every year as they're not hardy here

@joanboston so disappointing...every year 😂

I’ve had better success other years

@joanboston 3 years running now, one plant out of a tray of them 🙄

I got five plants and they are between 3-5 feet but not a single flower yet🤷. Monty did say he had similar problems this year, so we are not alone😂

@joanboston it makes feel better when others have issues too.....especially monty!!!
Late Summer 2022

Finally flowered! 🧡
Well it's not monty sized, it's the poor relation, still chuffed I've had more than one flower this year though 😂