Hi Amanda if you want to speak to someone if you put @ and there name they will see it on there feed like @amanda86 and #christmas for example and your picture will be seen by others just touch the # when you see this 👍😊
😂😂we were all the same but worth persevering you'll enjoy all the chat you'll know I if your @ or # has worked if to goes green just make sure you've got a space before them 👍have fun 🤗🤗
Thank you I will try maybe I'll ask a younger person how to do it ! Very nice of you to help thanks how is it up there it's very sunny in London blue skies @pauline33
You see your doing perfect I'm getting you loud and clear 😂😂who needs the young ones 😜The weather here is beautiful can't believe it at this time of year just posted a blue sky picture 🤗🤗
Just getting ready for xmas in the garden
Hi I am a bit ignorant with social website stuff why do you put hashtags on things or how do you ? Like @ etc please enlighten me
Hi Amanda if you want to speak to someone if you put @ and there name they will see it on there feed like @amanda86 and #christmas for example and your picture will be seen by others just touch the # when you see this 👍😊
#thank you Pauline you must think me stupid but I still don't understand where do I put the # or @Pauline33 I feel so silly for not knowing
So do I do this@pauline33
😂😂we were all the same but worth persevering you'll enjoy all the chat you'll know I if your @ or # has worked if to goes green just make sure you've got a space before them 👍have fun 🤗🤗
Thank you I will try maybe I'll ask a younger person how to do it ! Very nice of you to help thanks how is it up there it's very sunny in London blue skies @pauline33
You see your doing perfect I'm getting you loud and clear 😂😂who needs the young ones 😜The weather here is beautiful can't believe it at this time of year just posted a blue sky picture 🤗🤗
Hi Pauline it's a lot warmer now haven't been able to post for a few days don't know why, but missed it