Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Attention Orchid people 📍📍📍 I have had this orchid for a couple of years, and it was in bloom when I bought it, however no new growth or blooms since then, it has just been existing. This year, I repotted it and surprise! Two new leaves have came out. When should I, if at all, expect to see a new flower spike? There is a small growth on the base that doesn’t seem to change much..

Your orchid looks very happy and healthy. Mine seems to bloom every year. Have you given it it any fertilizer?
Could this be the beginning of a new flower spike? #orchid #help
Pretty sure that's a root .
Disappointing haha. @misternatureboy thanks for the reply:)
You're welcome. Some people would be over the moon for even a root, so you're good!