Butterfly Bush
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 9
Early Spring 2017
- 1

Late Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Best pic I got today of the hummingbird moth. The fuzzy yellow and black in the center of the pic. He actually is fuzzy, not a bad pic lol

Yeah, they are fuzzy, you almost want yo touch it, don't you?

@lesliecole49 Yes I would love to pet him, but he won’t hold still
Mid Summer 2019

Nice day in the yard. Seen 3 different kinds of butterflies and the hummingbird moth.

I have some of these and it the first year we have seen all these butterflies absolutely beautiful
Early Summer 2017

My baby butterfly bush bloomed this year. 😀


That's pretty 💜

@ambitiouswolf I have not come across a purple one! So so pretty

@petersburghomesteader This is a three n one. It should have purple clusters, pink clusters and white cluster of flowers.

What a great pick!! So much prettier than the orange butterfly bush. I'll have to see how to get one of those. Very pretty

@terrimclaughlin I will look and see who I ordered it from. But I doubt they have them instock now since I got a second one at the outlet nursery.

@terrimclaughlin. I ordered mine through Michigan bulb co. But they are out of stock now. I did see that Burgess seed and plants still has it for $7.49.

@petersburghomesteader. If you are interested in a purple butterfly bush check out Lowe's. I seen they had them at my local lowe's today
Early Spring 2017

My second butterfly bush just came today. It should have blue, white and pink flowers