Early Spring 2022
- 3
Early Spring 2022
- 4
Early Winter 2022
- 11
Early Winter 2022
- 17
Early Winter 2022
- 11
Mid Autumn 2021
- 11
Early Autumn 2021
- 13
Early Autumn 2021
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 6
Early Spring 2021
- 15
Early Spring 2021
- 13
Early Spring 2021
- 8
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 2

Early Spring 2022
Early Spring 2022
Early Winter 2022

Morning all, have a super Sunday 💛 #wallflower #erysimum #macro #grownfromseed #yellow

Morning Ange 💛💛

Morning Ange. Great macro shot 👋😯💛

That yellow is glowing 💛💛💛

Morning Ange 💛

Good morning Ange lovely cheerful flower 💛💛

Morning Ange - lovely photo 💛

Good afternoon 😊 thanks all @juliesgarden @flof1952 @ukjohnny @pelly @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @godfreye @KOutdoors @Auricula


Evening 🙋♂️

Evening Jason, from yesterday and today 😀 @hebelover
Early Winter 2022

Morning all, I de-headed all the flowers from the erysimums yesterday & cut the plants right back. There's loads of buds on the stems too. Love the colour of this one, with its paler edges. Fingers crossed they'll come back nice and strong in Spring. Have a lovely day everyone 💛 #wallflower #erysimum #myfairlady #hardyperennial 6.1.22

Morning Ange. A little bit of sunshine on a very cold day ....very nice. Keep warm 👋🌝❄

Morning Pauline, thanks, we're expecting sleet showers today if the forecast is correct! Joy! 😄 @flof1952

How exciting NOT ....our forecast just says "potential disruption due to snow and ice"😱 Might just have a duvet day 🤣

Oh is that all?!! 😆😅 Duvet day sounds appealing! I might have a look in my seed tin! 😄 @flof1952

Good morning Ange that’s a lovely one. We have snow on the way 🤗

Gorgeous colour Ange 💛💛

Morning Enid, I wouldn't mind a bit of proper snow for a day or two - enough to make a snowman, let Nell have a play in it & take a few photos 😀 ☃️☃️☃️ @godfreye Then it can go away again... 😀

Thanks Julie 💛😃 @juliesgarden


Morning Elise, thanks 😊 💛 @Auricula

Very pretty 💛
Early Winter 2022

I grew these from seed and planted them out last Spring. They are still flowering but are quite tall and gangly now. I can see new growth coming at the base of the plants. Should I cut the flowers and old growth off now to make way for the new plants? Thanks in advance! #advice 😃

I would cut them@back to new growth if they were mine @anges

Thanks Joan, will do that this afternoon 😀 👍 It's a nice day to be in the garden 💚 @joanboston

I have the same thing small flowers on the end of long stems

I cut all mine right back Sharon - no flowers now but the plants will be better for it in spring 😃👍 @sharonhayden

That’s amazing! We were always taught at Hort college that all erysimums - with the exception of Bowles Mauve - were biennial so would die after they finished flowering and set seed. Whereas Bowles mauve tends to create a bit of a woody framework so can be a short lived perennial - but maybe some other varieties are tougher too. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼

That's what I thought would happen but it seems to have acted like Bowles Mauve.... 😅 I'll keep you posted 📫 😃 @richard.spicer.7906

I've just googled 'My Fair Lady' and the Thompson and Morgan website says it's a hardy perennial! I didn't realise when I sowed the seeds (free with a magazine!) The main thing is I like it and it flowers like mad! 🤣 @richard.spicer.7906

That’s great! Hopefully you’ll get more flowers in the spring then 🤞🏼👍🏼😄 they are a wonderful colour

@richard.spicer.7906 Thanks you just answer all my questions about erysimums I had but never seemed to last long. What a shame the smell was heavenly. 🌞@anges

You can buy perennial erysimums 😃 @sunlovin
Mid Autumn 2021

#grownfromseed 🧡❤🧡 #wallflower #erysimum #myfairlady #orange

Great photo

Fab colour



Thank you 😊 @nej @debsgarden99 @emch @Auricula


Great colours 🧡❤

Thanks, love these 😃 @italydiva @hebelover

I’ve always thought these smelled wonderful 🌞

Yes me too 😍 @sunlovin
Early Autumn 2021

Hi all, these #wallflower have decided to bloom again which I wasn't expecting - not complaining though 😉 If I can muster up the enthusiasm, I'm going to give the front garden a tidy today 😃 #latebloomer 😍 #myfairlady #grownfromseed

It's a lovely colour 💗❤💗

I have no enthusiasm at the moment 😕

That so funny I feel the same wonder what it is.Enthusiasm now that’s a word ha! Your flower is lovely too🤗

Morning ange …apparently the stars have moved and now it’s all full thrust Pluto power…🚀🚀 @hebelover @godfreye

@sharonhayden tell us more ⭐️⭐️

Beautiful ❤️❤️

Beautiful colour♥️

Yes, worth growing from seeds, lots of lovely colours in this mix @pelly

I did a bit of tidying today, not much but better than nothing! Bought a few cyclamen too and potted those up ❤😃👍 Might do a bit more tomorrow as the bins get emptied on Tuesday! 😃👍 @hebelover @godfreye

Oh OK, I'll try and take that into account 😃 thanks Sharon 🌟🌟🌟 @sharonhayden @godfreye

Thanks Chris and Elise, glad I grew these - they were free seeds with a magazine 😀 @midnightgardener @Auricula
Early Autumn 2021

#latebloomer 🧡💛❤ #myfairlady

Lovely photo 💛💛❤️

Thank you so much 💓 @midnightgardener
Mid Spring 2021

Hi all, 🙂 #wallflower My Fair Lady and #forgetmenots Have a terrific Tuesday 😃 #myfairlady

Hi Ange 🙋 looks wonderfully sunny with you

Morning, this was at the weekend Jeremy 😃 it rained all day yesterday and is very windy today with the promise of more rain. Don't mind the rain but can't be doing with 50 mph winds! 😃 @jpea

As I'm located relatively near you it's the same here 🥴😒

Love all your forget me nots, so pretty 💙💙💙

Thanks Jane, I love them too - they're so easy, going to sow (shake) them in the front garden when they're finished 😃 @pelly
Early Spring 2021

Hi everyone, another colour in the My Fair Lady Mix 😃 Have a fab Good Friday! ❣#myfairlady

Morning ang..very pretty 🌸

Morning Ange 🙋♂️ you too


Morning, hope you're enjoying the sunshine 🌞 @juliesgarden @jpea @pelly

No sun here mores the pity 😢

Oh no! It was sunny all day here, I'll send you some tomorrow! 😄 @pelly

Oh please do 🌞

Love those and the veins make it special. 🤩

Perfect shot ,,👌

Hope the 🌞 shone today! @pelly

Thank you both, yes I agree Phil 🙂👍 @philstalder @bks
Early Spring 2021

Hello, here's another flower on the My Fair Lady Wallflowers 😃 Have a great day! #wallflower #erysimum #grownfromseed #myfairlady

Gorgeous colour

Hi Ange, that's another lovely one 😍😍😍

Lovely 🔥🔥🔥colours

Firetastic ❤💛

Morning, must get Wallflower seeds on, love the smell

Morning Ange....all things bright and beautiful...👌🏼🧡💛❤️

Morning Ange 👋 Stunning! 🤩❤️🧡💛

This girl is on fire. Beautiful 🧡💛

Love this 🧡


Thanks everyone, I think this is my favourite colour so far of these My Fair Lady - the smell isn't bad either 😃 @joanboston @pelly @godfreye @DeborahBanks @hebelover @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @dirtgirlworld @italydiva @hkyfvr @lovemygarden65 @telswirld 🧡❤🧡❤🧡
Early Spring 2021

The Wallflowers are starting to flower now ❤ This one is My Fair Lady #grownfromseed 😍 #wallflower #wallflowers #erysimum #red

Mine just coming into bud 😃

Mine are nearly there. I love the colour of this one 🌺🌺🌺

I've just seen yours Faigie 👍😃 @librarian

Thanks Jane, they're mixed colours but I do like this one 😃 @pelly

Very pretty colour. New to me. Hear they smell good. Enjoy them. 🧡❤️😍

Thanks Diane, yes they've got a lovely scent 😃❤ @hkyfvr

Always welcome ❤️
Late Summer 2020

Wallflowers waiting patiently to be planted out 18.9.20 #grownfromseed
Photo taken at the weekend when it was sunny. It's a drizzly day today but the garden is enjoying the drink 💧💧💧
Don’t rub it in Ange please😂. But I’m glad your garden’s getting a refresh ☺️
So lovely 🥰