Viola x wittrockiana
Mid Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 11
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Early Winter 2019
- 11
Early Winter 2019
- 14

Viola x wittrockiana
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

The Pansies I was given are doing well now ☺ I have used them in pots around the garden 💜
Early Spring 2019

Hi everyone, have a super Saturday 💚

Morning Ange, thanks and you too 🙋♀️🙋♀️

Morning Jane, thanks 😊 💚@pelly

Morning Ange. Thanks and you too 👋🙂

Morning Pauline, thank you 💜 @flof1952

Morning Ange, you have a super Saturday too. 🌸🌼🌷

Hi Sue, thanks 💜☺ @lilybee

Same to you Ange.

Thanks Susan ☺👋 @novicegardenlover

There always sooo pretty 😊💕

Thanks Terri ☺ @terrimclaughlin
Early Spring 2019

Freeby Pansies doing well - maybe flowering a bit early??

No mine are I. Full swing , no such thing as winter or autumn pansies Ang , just depends on when they are sown 👍

Oh thanks Julie, that's Ok then 😀 💜 @juliesgarden

Yeah, here where we have no real winter pansies flower every day.

@renatagardens Thank you 😀
Early Winter 2019

Hi all ☺ These are some of the Pansy plugs we potted on yesterday - freebies!! ☺ There's about 90 here - sure I'll find somewhere for them 😁 The other 170 are with my Dad and sister. Looking forward to seeing them flower .... don't know what variety they are 😮 but 'beggers can't be choosers'! 😁 💜 #pansy #plugplants #bargainbetty

Wow, great freebie. That's going to be fun seeing what colours they are. 😊

Morning Sue, free plants are always welcome! No idea on their colour - I like surprises 😁 @lilybee

Wow 😮 a Pansy fest 😂

Awesome! 💖😍 I'm having a bit of trouble with my Pansy rn.. Well I think it's in Bad shape.?

@linfoster 😂😂 'Pansy overload'Lin!! 💜

@lovemygarden65 There's quite a few isn't there?! 😁

@PoppyBloom Oh no! What's wrong with it? ☺

That’s great to have sooo many just ready and starting to grow. I’m hoping I’ll do some tomorrow. Great job!!🤗😊💕

Thank you, I hope so too 😀 @casa-succulenta

@terrimclaughlin I know, makes life easy 😀 Good luck with yours ☺
Early Winter 2019

My Dad was given these Pansy plugs yesterday as a freebie off a friend - 260 in total ☺ 🍀🍀🍀 #pansy #plugplants


Just a few then!! 😂😂

😂 I know! Could sell them from the front door! 😂 @pelly

Wow fabulous gift 👌😍

Great idea, a pop up shop for Pansies 😂😂

@pauline33 Yes, very lucky 🍀 I'm made up! 😁

I think we're on to something Jane! 😁👍💜 @pelly


Morning Ange @anges Brilliant they are going to look Fabulous 👍😍😘

Morning Suzie, thanks, just need to decide where to put them - plenty of time ☺ @jadojado29

Wow. You are going to have lots of pretty flower faces filling your garden, pots and baskets.
Loving the sun 🌞