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My garden is quite small but I enjoy it I grow a lot of plants in pots I like growing from seed and taking cuttings I am learning every day .
These little boys appeared in one of my clematis pots didn’t plant them so birds must have dropped them in.
They are a very lovely gift too.
You're kidding. Birds don't drop a cluster of pansies, at least they never have in my garden. It was the Pansy Fairy for sure she arranged them so well 💜💜😀
Fabulous gift 💜💙💜
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These little boys appeared in one of my clematis pots didn’t plant them so birds must have dropped them in.
They are a very lovely gift too.
You're kidding. Birds don't drop a cluster of pansies, at least they never have in my garden. It was the Pansy Fairy for sure she arranged them so well 💜💜😀
Fabulous gift 💜💙💜