Viola x wittrockiana
Mid Spring 2021
- 15
Early Spring 2021
- 10
Early Spring 2021
- 17
Late Spring 2020
- 30
Mid Spring 2020
- 30
Mid Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 41
Early Spring 2019
- 13
Late Summer 2018
- 0
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 17
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 1

Viola x wittrockiana
Mid Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

#viola #viola-black-magic

#velvety #totallygoth



@emch thanks Eileen 😀

@RedFuchsia thanks Natalia 😃

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😄

@gjones thanks Katy 😁

@richard.spicer.7906 isn’t it lovely 🖤
Early Spring 2021

🖤 #viola #viola-black-magic

Like velvet 🖤🖤🖤

Will look fab with pink....🖤💗

I need this in my life! 🖤🖤🖤

🖤 fabulous

Very different😯

@ublaszko they really are 🖤💛🖤

@dirtgirlworld thanks Maggie 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I like that idea 😋 gotta hunt down a pink variety now 😛

@KariSamuel oh yes you do 😍 if I can collect seed I’ll gladly send you some ☺️

@telswirld thanks T 😃

@cowdenkyle it’s the truest black flower I’ve grown, so moody 😂
Late Spring 2020

🖤 #viola #viola-black-magic

@kez001uk amazing Kerry

Oh lovely....🖤🖤🖤🖤

I'm so torn about black flowers, I didn't used to like them but they are really growing 🙄 on me now 👍😊

Wow 😮


Wow Wow Wow!!! Really diggin the black flowers!! Amazingly beautiful!! 🖤🖤

Their different Kerry I think I'll sit on the fence for this one 😆

Thry really stand out. So black 🖤🖤🖤

Fabulous 🖤🖤🖤

Ohhh they're nice!, don't think I've seen such a black flower as that one 🖤

Wow look at that !!!!! 😍😍
Mid Spring 2020

#viola #viola-black-magic

Amazing colour! 🖤

Wow, really pitch black😮💕

Oh wow!!! 🤩🖤

Wow 😍😍😍

Wow impressive

Beautiful ⚫ flower, 🖤

Very unusual. Never seen a black one before 😊😊🖤🖤💛

Very apt name 🤗

Never seen in this colour before 👍💐

This is awesome!!! @kez001uk 😄

As black as a black cat in a coal cellar at night! 🖤
Mid Spring 2019

Wow !! Spectacular Kerry !! 😍

Fabulous #black! #pansy #viola

Black fantastic 🖤🖤🖤

@sherrisgarden thank you Sherri 😀 it’s a little unusual but I love black flowers 🖤

@cyndi I know what you mean 😂 too tempting 😛

@lovestogarden thank you Janice 😁

@jeatacake I didn’t expect this plant would come back but it’s better than last year already 😍 thanks Jeff ☺️

You're welcome Kerry

It's looking fantastic Kerry🖤🖤🖤 Pansies tend to fizzle out after 1 or 2 flowering, but this seems to be improving. Let's hope it continues 👍
Mid Spring 2019


What a phenomenal TRUE #black flower! 🖤

@KariSamuel thank you Kari ☺️ it’s gorgeously dark 🖤

Really lovely. Most black flowers almost always have a bit of sheen that it really is purple! This is sexy!!

They are wonderful. I grew them from seedlings last year. Picked up some seeds to try so I have more plants this year. Great photo too, black not easy to get high photographic definition. Beautiful.

@KariSamuel I had black petunias like that, were just incredibly dark purple. These can have a hint right in the centre but the rest of the petals are chalkboard black

Very goth! 😊

@Annettenoosa i hope the seeds do well for you ☺️ I bought this as an established plant, hadn’t seen anything like it before! It’s a terrible colour to capture so thank you for your kind words ☺️

@ublaszko little emo viola 😂


I haven't seen these before - they would look great in a bright pink/black colour combination 💖♥💖♥💖 👌

Gorgeous 🤗
Early Spring 2019

Made it through winter and has flower buds already 🖤

Mine are doing much better now! I'm warming up to these bright happy flowers 😀😀 And no, no one stole my GT password to write this comment 😉😉

Just looked back through your pics. Not so bright or happy these violas 😂😂

@ublaszko 🤣 you knew what I’d say! Think pansies are lovely when they look good. Can be an eyesore when they’re not at their best. 🤣 nope they’re the exact opposite but they’re beautiful in their own way 😁

They look great around my peonies and add colour while I'm still waiting for the peonies to mature.

@ublaszko shocked how fast peonies grow! They shoot up in no time!

Mine have shot up in November and January 😅😅 I got them as bareroot plants last year so I think it will be at least 3 years before they flower and that's if I planted at the correct depth 😰

@ublaszko oh I got mine last year as bare roots too! I figured they’d flower this year 😫

I don't think they will flower this year. Peonies take on average 3 years to establish and flower. I'm going to be delayed even more because we're planning to move this year.

@ublaszko that’s so disappointing 😔 2020 is the year of the peony then! Well maybe 2021 for you 🤪

Well, get some pansies to plant around them 😁😁 It's a long time to wait but on the other hand once they flower they survive for many many years and get better each year. A lot of other perennials are quite short-lived. 5 years and they're done. Wallflowers last only about 3-5 years.

@ublaszko I let pansies self seed all over so they’re slowly making their way down the garden 😂 might make the peonies by time they flower 🤣
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

New flowers 😁

Fascinates me 😮

@Hayley.R they’re little cuties aren’t they 😛 thought the sun killed it so happy It’s back with a vengeance 😈

Did you go around the garden with a black marker pen? 😆😆😉

@gjones it’s so much darker than the petunia and pansies I have. All but for a tiny purple centre it’s like a chalkboard!

@ublaszko I got bored and fancied a bit of colouring in 😉😉😂

Can't get any blacker than that! 🖤🖤🖤

@jeatacake so glad it survived, it’s quite a standout 😍

Absolutely! It's incredible 🖤😍🖤😍

@jeatacake thank ya ☺️

It's quite something! Usually when you see 'black' flower it's sort of brown or purple or burgundy but this is truly black. 👍

Fantastic colour Kerry @kez001uk
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

GORGEOUS! #pansy #viola #black #blackflower #blackflowers

@lovestogarden thank you 😊 one of my favourites 🖤

I can see why!
Mid Spring 2018

Black magic
#viola #viola-black-magic
Incredible! Where's the foliage!? Never seen one this loaded with flowers!💘😍
Wow. Look at all those blooms. So pretty 😍🖤💜
Really amazing🖤
@ShelleySnyder it’s been taking lessons from your azalea 😉 the little leaves aren’t getting a look in! 😂
@hkyfvr thank you Diane ☺️ it’s never flowered like this before 😜 my mammoth repotting task looks to be paying off 🙏🏻
@cowdenkyle thanks Kyle 😁 it’s looking the best it ever has 🖤
Good lessons to get!😊💘😍
Always welcome Kerry. 👍😍
@ShelleySnyder absolutely! 💚
These always amaze me as to just how black they are. More so than any other "black" flowers I've seen.
@jeatacake they look their best on an overcast day, shows them how they really look. Too much purple on this photo that’s not visible in reality 😜