Euphorbia pulcherrima
Late Winter 2020
- 2
Early Winter 2020
- 9
Early Winter 2020
- 3
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 11
Early Winter 2018
- 2
Early Winter 2018
- 2

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Late Winter 2020
Early Winter 2020

Poinsettia getting better each year. Grown from cutting. Taking on a great shape. Will trim it to a round shape when it reaches 4-5ft to keep the red bracts massed on outside of the shrub like a ball of hot colour. #wintercolour #pointsettia #poinsettia-red #grownfromcuttings

I thought ya had to seclude them in light and dark for a certain amount of time to have them turn red in the winter. Wow! I'm amazed! Absolutely gorgeous!

Super! #bestofjune

Oh wow 😍 Is it Christmas already? Those are amazing

@TexasTanya You are correct. It is Winter here in Oz. The winter days are shorter and the nights are longer; and there you have nature creating the restriction of day light to get the red colours against the flower bracts. 🙃

@jmlincoln They mean Christmas to me too after many years living in England. It is Winter here now in Oz, so these tropical beauties are bursting in colour on large (12ft) shrubs in gardens. The nurseries here do produce potted Poinsettia for Christmas but they have been grown under controlled conditions, restricting light to get the traditional red colour. @TexasTanya

@ausgardentags thank you. It is making a striking show in the front garden.

12ft shrubs of poinsettias 😍 What a sight that must be! Thank you for sharing

Wow! So very pretty ♥️♥️💚
Early Winter 2020

Poinsettia grown from cutting and having its best ever bloom. Seems to be happy growing in the front garden with the grey Curry Plant. Must get some more cuttings to for some more Winter colour. #poinsettia #poinsettia-red #grownfromcutting #winter

Beautiful 😍😍 #cuttings

It's really beautiful ♥️♥️💕💕
Late Autumn 2020

Pointsettia. Showing that the nights are getting longer and the days shorter. So wonderful to have these beacons of colour defying the Winter chill. Really must give these neglected plants a bit of feed. #pointsettia #autumn
Early Spring 2018

Pointsettia. These Pointsettia are still saying it is Winter with long, cold nights, continuing to bloom, unconvinced that Spring has arrived. #pointsettia #pointsettia-red
Late Winter 2018

Pointsettia. This is my neighbour's garden and the Pointsettia that gave the cuttings to produce several beautiful plants for me. The bush gets a hard prune in Oct and grows to create a massive display from June to Sept. The gardeners have been busy too shaping the hedges to be covered in red and pink blush of new Spring growth in Sept.

Hey can you suggest me how to check wishlist in GTags @Annettenoosa

👌🏻 🎉🧚🏻♀️🌟

If you go to your profile page @jyotu , there is a tab next to your plant and garden lists for your wish list plants. If you just want to add a plant to your wish list, click the star above just under the photo ⭐️

#poinsettia #euphorbia #poinsettia-advice

#hedge #lavender

@brightcolours noticed you picked up the lavender in this shot. I was surprised to see it growing so well. Tempted to have another try at growing it.

Ty @richard.spicer.7906

Take some cuttings!!! Is it English or French lavender?

@brightcolours. Not sure. Just amazed that it is strong and healthy. That rock wall is 4 metres high, would not be good to lose balance while taking cuttings 😖☹😕☠

Goodness!! 😳😳😳
Early Winter 2018

Christmas in June. Pointsettias always remind me of Christmas in London. Feel a bit disorientated to see them blooming in warm winter sunshine. This plant, grown outdoors from cutting, will reach nearly 3 metres. They make a spectacular winter show here in Qld, growing and hanging over fences. #wintercolour #pointsettia

Early Winter 2018

Pointsettia. Just when I thought the garden was a bit winter dull. Floral emblem of Brisbane Qld. "Here is a fire of flaming splendour that all may share in the winter long;" E.Bulcock #pointsettia #euphorbiapulcherrima #red

Red Poinsettia into its third month of Winter colour. #pointsettia-red #poinsettia #wintercolour
It looks absolutely beautiful against that silver 😍