Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Mid Winter 2018
- 6
Early Winter 2018
- 2

Solenostemon scutellarioides syn. Plectranthus scutellarioides, Coleus scutellarioides, Coleus blumei
Late Autumn 2019
Early Spring 2018

Coleus growing in gardens in China #Chinagardens #coleus

That looks sensational! 😍

Oh wow that’s amazing 😉💛😍

What a fabulous display 😁👍🏼🙏🏼

@Yollymac @suerichards @pixierose Thank you. I was amazed at the magnificent garden displays along roadside and beautiful parks of China. The whole experience was better than I could have imagined.

Super!! #beddingplant

Mid Winter 2018

Coleus 'Painted Nettle' Loving the mix of colour and patterns on this Coleus. It harmonises with any garden scheme. #coleus-paintednettle

I want one !! What a pity we do not live closer 🙁😉@Annettenoosa

@whitesusan when I trim it I will save a piece for you. There are some beautiful colours being produced from the newer varieties of Coleus.

Thanks -- maybe I should go round a few garden centres, and check them out .👍

@whitesusan I always check the coleus for the unusual and the heuchera for any new colour varieties. Both plants are easy to grow and add a paintbox colour to the garden.

Indeed Annettenoosa! The coloured leaves are spectacular !!
Early Winter 2018

Coleus 'Painted Nettle' great plant as a colourful fill or highlight in the gareen. I will be placing this with my cinnamon coloured hibiscus #coleus #coleus-paintednettle #hibiscus-uuceebee

Coleus. Grown from cutting. All the elements agreeing with this tropical foliage plant now. Not too hot, right amount of rain, perfect light, no wind. Colours are glowing in delight. #coleus