Mid Autumn 2020
- 6
Mid Summer 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2019
- 7
Early Winter 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 2

Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Summer 2020

Marigold. These little pops of brightness have filled in a big gap along the front path by seeding themselves in a perfect spot. No care, no bother, just happy little self seeders. #tagetes #selfseed

So cheery.
Late Winter 2019

Marigolds. Growing pretty as a posie of bright colours to warm a chilly day. Hoping they self seed and keep blooming through the seasons. #marigold

Very pretty, it is so bright

@laketitlow Thank you Annette. They are full of bright sunshine. I love them. The flowers and petals add bright colour to salads too as the flowers are edible. 😎🐝

I did not know you could eat the flowers.

Did you know which variety they're??? Nana bolero & la bamba 🙂

Thank you @jyotu 🐝

Welcome 😊
Early Winter 2019

Tagetes. Self seeded little marigold spilling over the front path. #selfseed #marigold #tagetes

Wish mine would flower I've got the drafted white fly among my tomatoes at the moment @Annettenoosa

@jpea apparently nasturtium is another plant to deter white fly.

I'm told the herb Borage does too, maybe have to buy some! @Annettenoosa

@jpea I believe basil will also help detre whitefly

@jpea @alan1111 Also told mustard leaf deters them too. White fly destroyed my spinach, kale and silverbeet last season. Put me off growing it. Will try again mixing borage, basil, nasturtium, marigold and mustard with my crops and report back. 🤞🤞🙃

If nothing else @Annettenoosa you'll have tasty mix 😊

With that many plants will you have enough room for any crops Annette 😂
Early Autumn 2019

Tough little Marigolds seed themselves throughout the garden. They have planted themselves into a bright little border, surviving in the most severe conditions. Bright little garden buddies. #marigold
Late Summer 2018

Marigold. First blooms of bright little pops of orange gold from these edible flowers.

#tagetes #edibleflowers
Marigold. Weather is dull and overcast with thunder rumbling in the background. Never dull in my garden while these bright golden rays of sunshine bloom. Butterflies live them. #marigold
That would be very cheering
Never a dull moment not with those colours 😅
Very bright and lively!
Lovely deep border 💚💚♥️♥️
What a fabulous border 🥰