Surely bras don't take long to iron? 😕 Did my 2nd mountain of work shirts on Monday (no bras though.....honestly.....despite any evil rumours!) @janeatkin
Bra's, ain't got time to worry bout those, Ms Chaz Dimmock taught me that..... in the summer months just let'em swing & in the winter months tuck'em in....tuckem in yr waistband keeps yer belly warm!!! Well yr piccie is soooo far back & my eyesight is not as good otherwise I wld have spotted those hedge thirsty caterpillars I reckon you did iron yr shirts. I think gardening makes you a bit mincey 🌈 I do iron socks & tea towels tho. Do you do yr ironing when it's ☀️ out. @jeatacake
@janeatkin Getting a lot of info there 🙈🙉🙊 Sounds like you could teach Charlie a thing or 2. I guess there's no time to iron bras if you have socks & tea towels to do. Sun, rain, hail, snow, when right out of shirts for work, the ironing mountain must be tackled
I say bracket old boy, not very PC these days what? @scaryskates
Haaaaaaa Scarey Hinge. X
My dear old thing. Where have you been hiding these last few day? 😀 x @janeatkin
Who me. Hunting 🐌🐛& Ironing theres not enough hours in the day, a woman's works never done Brax. 😂
Surely bras don't take long to iron? 😕 Did my 2nd mountain of work shirts on Monday (no bras though.....honestly.....despite any evil rumours!) @janeatkin
Bra's, ain't got time to worry bout those, Ms Chaz Dimmock taught me that..... in the summer months just let'em swing & in the winter months tuck'em in....tuckem in yr waistband keeps yer belly warm!!! Well yr piccie is soooo far back & my eyesight is not as good otherwise I wld have spotted those hedge thirsty caterpillars I reckon you did iron yr shirts. I think gardening makes you a bit mincey 🌈 I do iron socks & tea towels tho. Do you do yr ironing when it's ☀️ out. @jeatacake
@janeatkin Getting a lot of info there 🙈🙉🙊 Sounds like you could teach Charlie a thing or 2. I guess there's no time to iron bras if you have socks & tea towels to do. Sun, rain, hail, snow, when right out of shirts for work, the ironing mountain must be tackled