Living Stones
Mid Autumn 2024
- 3
Mid Spring 2023
- 2
Mid Winter 2021
- 5
Mid Summer 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2016
- 2

Mid Autumn 2024
Mid Spring 2023

Look at the colour variations between these Lithops! 💚💛🧡 Thanks @hipi for sharing your fun planter for #foliagefriday 🧡 #lithops #planter

😅🤣😂 so funny to plant lithops in a planter that looks like a sink! @hipi
Mid Winter 2021

Do you grow Lithops? Have you any tips for those just starting out with these unusual looking (and popular!) plants? Thanks to new user @Trish47 for sharing her good-looking Lithops for #succulentsunday 💛 #lithops

@Trish47 congrats!💘😍

they look brilliant 👍

Love my lithops! Best thing i learnt is do not water them from the time they start to change their leaves until they have completely finished and the outer leaves have shriveled up, and do not water them very much. They will start to get a bit of wrinkle down the bottom if they are thirsty, and if they start getting really tall they are not getting enough sun! Those are my best tips for lithops 😁

Thanks very much @torlea 🌟 #lithops-tips #lithops-help #lithops-advice
Mid Summer 2019

Happy #succulentsunday 💚 Doesn’t @drmeggsie have a lovely collection. 💚

Congratulations on your feature photo! Great collection! @drmeggsie

@drmeggsie that's a GORRRRRGEOUS photo!! 🤓

#lithops #mesembs #babytoes #splitrockplant #pleiospilosnelii
Wow... 👍👍👍👍
Early Autumn 2016

Aren't these living stones #unusual . We love seeing plants that challenge our perceptions. Please share anything #unusual with us using this hashtag. Thanks @monzie77 for sharing 😀

Yay Monika. It's a fab pic. @monzie77
“A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself.” – May Sarton #mondaymotivation
Thanks @rosegardengirl for sharing these pops of sunshine! 💛💛💛 #lithops #livingstones #yellowflowers
Thank you @ausgardentags . That exactly how it is. These ones flowered and the other pot beside them two died. I think too much moisture in the air with all the rain.