Living Stones
- Late Spring 2020
- 16
- 2
- Mid Spring 2020
- 16
- 2
- Mid Spring 2020
- 12
- 1
- Mid Spring 2020
- 12
- 1
- Mid Spring 2020
- 7
- 1
- Mid Spring 2020
- 7
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- Mid Spring 2020
- 8
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- Mid Winter 2020
- 28
- 1
- Mid Winter 2020
- 9
- 1
- Mid Winter 2020
- 10
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- Mid Winter 2020
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- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
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- Mid Winter 2020
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- Mid Winter 2020
- 12
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- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
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- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
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- Mid Winter 2020
- 11
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- Early Winter 2020
- 20
- 4
- Early Winter 2020
- 16
- 1
- Early Winter 2020
- 10
- 1
- Early Winter 2020
- 10
- 1
- Early Winter 2020
- 9
- 1
- Mid Summer 2019
- 19
- 3
- Mid Summer 2019
- 23
- 7
- Early Summer 2019
- 21
- 4
- Early Summer 2019
- 16
- 1
- Early Summer 2019
- 33
- 9
- Late Spring 2019
- 23
- 2
- Late Spring 2019
- 10
- 1
- Late Spring 2019
- 10
- 4
- Late Spring 2019
- 16
- 3
- Mid Spring 2019
- 13
- 3
- Mid Spring 2019
- 14
- 1
- Mid Spring 2019
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- 1
- Mid Spring 2019
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- Mid Spring 2019
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- Mid Spring 2019
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- Early Spring 2019
- 20
- 1
- Early Spring 2019
- 13
- 1
- Early Spring 2019
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- Early Spring 2019
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- Early Spring 2019
- 16
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- Late Winter 2019
- 16
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Late Winter 2019
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- Mid Winter 2019
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- Mid Winter 2019
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- Mid Winter 2019
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- Mid Winter 2019
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- Mid Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2019
- 15
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- Early Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2018
- 5
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- Early Winter 2018
- 5
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- Early Winter 2018
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- Early Winter 2018
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- Early Winter 2018
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- Early Winter 2018
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- Early Winter 2018
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- Late Autumn 2018
- 10
- 1
- Late Autumn 2018
- 7
- 1
- Late Autumn 2018
- 13
- 1
- Late Autumn 2018
- 10
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- Late Autumn 2018
- 8
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- Mid Autumn 2018
- 11
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Early Autumn 2018
- 10
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- Late Summer 2018
- 20
- 3
- Mid Summer 2018
- 9
- 3
- Mid Summer 2018
- 9
- 2
- Mid Summer 2018
- 6
- 1
- Mid Summer 2018
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- Mid Summer 2018
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- Mid Summer 2018
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- Mid Summer 2018
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- Early Summer 2018
- 11
- 3
- Early Summer 2018
- 6
- 1
- Late Spring 2020
- 16
- Mid Spring 2020
- 16
21 months old 25 Apr 2020 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188
Beautiful 🌞
- Mid Spring 2020
- 12
21 months old 25 Apr 2020 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Mid Spring 2020
- 12
21 months old 25 Apr 2020 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
- Mid Spring 2020
- 7
21 months old 25 Apr 2020 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
- Mid Spring 2020
- 7
21 months old 25 Apr 2020 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a
- Mid Spring 2020
- 8
21 months old 25 Apr 2020 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Mid Winter 2020
- 28
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a 14 Feb 2020
- Mid Winter 2020
- 9
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 13 Feb 2020 #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Mid Winter 2020
- 10
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 13 Feb 2020 #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait getting orangey...
- Mid Winter 2020
- 9
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 13 Feb 2020 #lithops-werneri-c188
- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 13 Feb 2020 #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
- Mid Winter 2020
- 8
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 13 Feb 2020 they're getting some adult coloring and now I'm not sure if I've been giving them the right name this whole time 🤷♀️
- Mid Winter 2020
- 12
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus 2 Feb 2020
- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
Popski! Gave this guy a few drops the other day (last night?) and he finally cracked his shell. #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 2 Feb 2020 #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
Popski! Gave this guy a few drops the other day (last night?) and he finally cracked his shell. #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 2 Feb 2020
- Mid Winter 2020
- 11
Popski! Gave this guy a few drops the other day (last night?) and he finally cracked his shell. #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 2 Feb 2020
- Early Winter 2020
- 20
#lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 12 Jan 2020
That is so neat...
- Early Winter 2020
- 16
#lithops-werneri-c188 #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 12 Jan 2020
- Early Winter 2020
- 10
#lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 12 Jan 2020
- Early Winter 2020
- 10
#lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 12 Jan 2020
- Early Winter 2020
- 9
#lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops they're starting to show their orange color, but most are still #ittybitty 12 Jan 2020
- Mid Summer 2019
- 19
Think I killed this one. Top: 3 Aug 2019; bottom: 11 Aug 2019. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a
Oh no!
Wash the roots let it dry out a day or 2. Replant in new medium. Hope they are rather hearty
- Mid Summer 2019
- 23
My half #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a seedling has been shriveling for the past week. I haven't been watering very much this summer. It's hard to tell what to do because they're still young and need frequent water, but some of their roommates are shedding leaves, and that's when you're supposed to withhold water. I don't want this guy to die so I gave him a few squirts of rainwater today. 3 Aug 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
Well good luck! I know you love these guys 😯🤔😊💕
How do you propagate them?
@laketitlow you pretty much have to grow them from seed. It takes years for them to get big enough to divide them safely.
How do you get them to seed? Do they flower?
@laketitlow they do flower when they get to about 2-3 years old. I buy my lithops seeds online, mainly because the high-volume growers here in the USA (Altman, for example, whose plants are at Lowe's and Home Depot) only tend to stock a few common varieties.
@laketitlow I've had lithops seeds sent to me in the regular mail from Korea, China, South Africa, and Bulgaria and they've all arrived in my mailbox just fine. If you want some reputable sellers, I have recommendations.
- Early Summer 2019
- 21
Seems like #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a can come in more than one shade of green 18 Jul 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
@Yollymac were you the one asking me a while ago about the color of Fullergreens?
Beautiful colour
Don't know, but your baby is super cute!
- Early Summer 2019
- 16
Another blushing café au lait baby peeking out of its first set of leaves. 18 Jul 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Early Summer 2019
- 33
I'd heard that Café au lait #lithops #seedlings don't start showing their true colors for two years, and it looks like that might be true, although these guys are only one year old. But I see a flash of orange, so it looks like some bright #c309a colors are coming one day. #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
@sushiwaitress I want some so badly! I bought one from HD and the poor thing is so stretched. Its about 3 inches tall. I also bought a split rock and idk if it's ok or what. It only has 1 set of leave and doesn't look like its doing anything
Lithops need lots of light, and it's typical that they might stretch if they come from HD. As long as you give them a lot of light, the next pair of leaves will be shorter when it splits in the winter. Some varieties also grow taller than others, so that could be a factor too. @s.l.c
I also repotted my stretched lithops and planted them deeper into the soil/pot so they wouldn't look as stretched. The plant will adapt. It might take 1 or 2 leaf changes, but it'll get there.
And as for split rocks -- pleiospilos nelii -- I've never had one of those, so I can't advise anything there. They seem difficult. You'll find lots of folks on here who share your frustration and puzzlement.
@sushiwaitress thank you so much! I'll post a picture and tag you on them so you can see what I mean. I know that you know but I would still like for you to see it. What kind of soil? Bc I haven't done anything to it and I've had it for 4 months
@sushiwaitress how do you post more than one picture? I have more than one plant of the same kind and want to group them in one post
@s.l.c I use a collage app to combine the individual photos into one.
@scaryskates 😂🔥
- Late Spring 2019
- 23
17 Jun 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188
Glad to see you back Ruth 👍🏻
- Late Spring 2019
- 10
17 Jun 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Late Spring 2019
- 10
here comes another leaf change for the #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 17 Jun 2019
Omg I cannot believe these guys are so tiny 🤗
@raypotion the seeds are the size of dust and they take forever to grow. I have some I started from seed about 18 months ago and they're still smaller than a dime.
I had no idea cultivating these curious little plants was so complex. I appreciate the one I have much more, it's been on quite a journey 🥰
- Late Spring 2019
- 16
File this under "lithops in a hurry" -- I gave this guy a big drink on the 15th, and two days later he's busted his jacket. He's still small, about the size of a small blueberry. 17 Jun 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
I’ve missed your updates!
@mauspad oh you are so sweet!! Work has been insane lately so I haven't had the time to obsess about them as much as they deserve. 👀👓🔬🤓
- Mid Spring 2019
- 13
One lonely little #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a 5 May 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
Cute little guy😍
Thanks ❤ (he's all alone, so he needs the affirmation) 😉
- Mid Spring 2019
- 14
5 May 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188
- Mid Spring 2019
- 10
5 May 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
- Mid Spring 2019
- 10
5 May 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
Crazy tiny! 🔍👏👏👏
- Mid Spring 2019
- 9
5 May 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Mid Spring 2019
- 11
Another popski 💥 4 May 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188
- Early Spring 2019
- 20
🍑 😂😆🤣😅😄 I've amassed such a quantity of seedlings now that I'm starting to notice hilarious mutations. 5 Apr 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Early Spring 2019
- 13
The half-aquamarine has a little bulge where the inner boundary of the leaf is. Too much water? I don't want to burst him. I'm sooooooo curious if he'll make a normal set of leaves the next time he changes. 5 Apr 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a
- Early Spring 2019
- 10
The seedling just below the straw looks like it has the outline of a flower on it 🌺 28 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
Gosh, they camouflage well!
- Early Spring 2019
- 12
The #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #seedling looks like marble. There's also a #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a baby visible at the top of the frame. 23 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Early Spring 2019
- 16
This cutie has a little wart 22 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Late Winter 2019
- 16
These seeds were in a packet labeled #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait but they are lookin mighty strange. (I'm told it takes about 2 years before you know if they're true Cafe au Laits or not.) #timewilltell 16 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Late Winter 2019
- 10
The big guy did that whole split in one day (when it was 72°F) 15 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188 #lithopsinahurry #hellospring
- Late Winter 2019
- 9
11 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #lithopssplitting
- Late Winter 2019
- 16
10 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
It looks like a little red grape!
- Late Winter 2019
- 24
Bacchus #seedlings popping out their first new leaves 💜💜💜 6 Mar 2019 #lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedling #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #alltheredlithops
How often do you water at this stage?
@mauspad still daily or every other day. At least for the first year. Also my soil is 10% coco coir and 90% gritty rocky bits, so I have to water often. You might have to water more/less depending on your soil/climate. But baby lithops need to be kept moist so their fragile little roots don't dry out.
Wow, they all look great! I definitely have to try growing them from seed. 😍
- Late Winter 2019
- 16
My first #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a #seedling has successfully popped two true leaves out of the first set of baby leaves. 6 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Late Winter 2019
- 12
My one other #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a #seedling looks like it'll come out normal. 1 Mar 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Late Winter 2019
- 11
Second most advanced #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops 21 Feb 2019
- Late Winter 2019
- 13
Say hello to the Fullergreen family 😊 21 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
Hello !!!!😁
- Late Winter 2019
- 9
21 Feb 2019 lots of #lithops-salicola-bacchus babies popping out new leaves #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Mid Winter 2019
- 11
My surprise #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a is a bit of a weirdo. Round on one side, flat on one side. Like he has only half a body. Hope his next pair of leaves will be normal. 18 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
Can def see it from this side 🤔
- Mid Winter 2019
- 7
My surprise #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a is a bit of a weirdo. Hope his next pair of leaves will be normal. 18 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Mid Winter 2019
- 9
16 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Mid Winter 2019
- 10
16 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #waterdroplets
- Mid Winter 2019
- 9
16 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithopssalicola
- Mid Winter 2019
- 10
16 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Mid Winter 2019
- 8
16 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
- Mid Winter 2019
- 8
16 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a
- Mid Winter 2019
- 20
Hello my cute little darlings!!! I'm so proud of you splitting and making your first pair of true leaves -- can't wait to meet you 💚🌱💚🌱💚🌱💚🌱💚 13 Feb 2019 #lithops #livingstones #succulents #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
- Mid Winter 2019
- 10
9 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
- Mid Winter 2019
- 11
9 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus
- Mid Winter 2019
- 17
8 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a
Hi..I actually need to know info on how to plant seeds I have some and have not known what exactly to with with some tips or tricks?
@heatherdirtyhands Hi Heather, I'll tag you on some posts where I answered some Qs about growing from seed. #1 tip: sterilize or bake your soil to kill bug eggs that will hatch when watered and then eat your seedlings 😱
- Mid Winter 2019
- 7
7 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a 💚💚💚💚💚
- Mid Winter 2019
- 7
I thought I destroyed these with overwatering, but it looks like a bunch are going to make it to their first leaf change. 7 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a
Success that’s great 🤗🤗 how long have you had these?!?? And have u ever counted to c how many you have?!?!?!??😥😳🤭😮😄🤗🤗😊💕
@terrimclaughlin I sowed these seeds in mid-July 2018, and didn't give them enough sunlight, so they're late for their first split. I've never counted -- I don't want to know how bad my problem is.
- Mid Winter 2019
- 6
7 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188
- Mid Winter 2019
- 6
7 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Mid Winter 2019
- 6
7 Feb 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-salicola-bacchus #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a #alltheredlithops
- Mid Winter 2019
- 6
4 Feb 2019 the first #lithops-werneri-c188 actually starting to look like themselves a little #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneric188
They are so ity bity.
- Mid Winter 2019
- 5
Another #lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedling bursting its dried-up baby leaves and revealing its real pattern #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #growbabygrow #alltheredlithops 4 Feb 2019
- Mid Winter 2019
- 9
4 Feb 2019 it's looking a lot like a #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a 😍 next to his #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 buddy #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #teenytiny #cutiepatootie #smallisbeautiful #ittybitty
- Mid Winter 2019
- 7
The two ☀️☀️ might both be long-lost brother #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a -- I could definitely be wrong, but I'll keep hoping until I know better. 😄🌱 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 31 Jan 2019
- Mid Winter 2019
- 10
This is the other lonely #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a at the far side of the pot. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 31 Jan 2019
- Mid Winter 2019
- 9
I am SO CURIOUS who this guy is gonna turn out to be: the one that's splitting doesn't look like his neighbors who are all #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 -- he could turn out to be L. Julii fullergreen because those are right next door, only about 1cm away. However, he doesn't look like the other fullergreens. I am hoping against hope that he's actually a #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a which would be AMAZING because I thought I'd killed them all except the one lonely #seedling
at the far side of the pot. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithopsession 31 Jan 2019
- Mid Winter 2019
- 13
#lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a #seedlings that I've overwatered. They shouldn't be this light green color. I stopped watering them as much as I was, because they're 2 months late for their first split, and I'm hoping less water will encourage them to absorb their outer leaves. Tricky thing though, because their baby roots can't go without moisture for long.... 30 Jan 2019 #lithops #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
#liveandlearn #learning #alwayslearning
- Mid Winter 2019
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Not really sure I understand what's going on with this guy. He's definitely an odd shape. 27 Jan 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Mid Winter 2019
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26 Jan 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Mid Winter 2019
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26 Jan 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Mid Winter 2019
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26 Jan 2019 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
@sushiwatress Wow, grown from seed! So cool, love the color! How long did it take?
@cpl721 Donna, I sowed these on 14 July 2018, so they're still babies.
- Early Winter 2019
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10 Jan 2018 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo
- Early Winter 2019
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My precioussss....☕ #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait 8 Jan 2018
- Early Winter 2019
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Two 7-month #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a #seedlings barely starting their first split. 8 Jan 2018 #lithops #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Early Winter 2019
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Two 7-month #lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedlings barely starting the first split 8 Jan 2018 #lithops #seedling #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
My goodness you have patience of a saint for these #cutiepatootie lithops! ☺
- Early Winter 2018
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Starting to get a peek at the true leaves' pattern. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 30 Dec 2018 #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
Where do you get your seeds
These particular seeds came from a facebook acquaintance in Korea. I've ordered from (USA) and I just ordered a bunch more seeds from a grower in the Czech republic One of the best sources in the world for lithops seeds is but I haven't yet ordered from them. @rosegardengirl
- Early Winter 2018
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Café au lait ☕🌱 #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 28 Dec 2018
- Early Winter 2018
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Shielding my #seedlings from the high-output #growlights by laying 1-ply of a Kleenex over them. #diy #shadecloth #lithops #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 23 Dec 2018
- Early Winter 2018
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I think I overwatered these guys too. 💧☔😕 22 Dec 2018 #lithops-salicola-bacchus #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Early Winter 2018
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#lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a I think I overwatered these seedlings. Some of them are pretty pale, and I've heard that's a symptom of overwatering. 6 months old and not splitting. Puzzling. 22 Dec 2018 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo
- Early Winter 2018
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The biggest café au lait is popping out of its old skin 😍🌱 22 Dec 2018 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
That’s so cool. Your doing a great job. There all looking good🤗👍🏻🎄⛄️
@Cyndi ☕
Me too @cyndi! I think I will dump some Baileys in mine though! 😉
- Early Winter 2018
- 10
Two shots of the same #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a #seedling 9 days apart. Top was 9 Dec, bottom was 18 Dec. I'm noting some color change from green to brown. I don't know if this is normal or if it's related to the lighting and temperature change of going from the warm office to the cool stairwell. #alwayslearning
#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Late Autumn 2018
- 10
GROW FASTER!!! ⏱🌱🌵#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #grittymix #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a #lithops-salicola-bacchus #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a #lithops-werneri-c188 19 Dec 2018 six months old
- Late Autumn 2018
- 7
First look at true Cafe au Lait leaves! It's only about 1.5 or 2mm wide, but it's looking good! So happy about this. Cafe au lait is super rare and hard to find. #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 12 Dec 2018
- Late Autumn 2018
- 13
My one very fussy and sensitive-to-water #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a #seedling is very plump and round on top. I gave him 8 squirts of water last night because I hadn't watered him in a few days, but I'm definitely going to lay off the water for a while now until he looks a little less burst-y. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Late Autumn 2018
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#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 5 Dec 2018 #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
- Late Autumn 2018
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#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 5 Dec 2018 #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 11
And then there was one. The last surviving #seedling of #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a is actually doing okay, now that I remembered that otzenianas are extremely sensitive to water... I give this guy about half of the daily sprays that his compatriots get, and the gritty mix drains away the extra water so finally I think I got the hang of this guy (famous last words). #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #closeup #upclose #smallisbeautiful
- Mid Autumn 2018
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This one's a little bit shy #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops #grittymix #closeup #upclose 10 Nov 2018 #afternoonsun
- Mid Autumn 2018
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First crack! #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 10 Nov 2018 #grittymix #closeup #upclose #afternoonsun
- Mid Autumn 2018
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Another #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait changing. Also there's a lone #lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedling growing among the cafe au lait. #diversity #immigration #metaphor 10 Nov 2018 #grittymix #closeup #upclose
- Mid Autumn 2018
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Another of the #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait starting its change #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 10 Nov 2018 #grittymix #closeup #upclose #cutiepatootie #smallisbeautiful
- Mid Autumn 2018
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My #lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedlings and #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait are in different sections of the same tray, and they've mixed together a little at the border. (I love this.) 10 Nov 2018 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #diversity #immigration #metaphor #grittymix #closeup #upclose #colourful
- Mid Autumn 2018
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Some of my other batch of #lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedlings showing the #texture I never noticed before. 10 Nov 2018 #lithops #seedling #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #grittymix #closeup #upclose
- Mid Autumn 2018
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A #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #seedling starting its first change!! So exciting!! This is one of the most rare and hard-to-get #lithops species. In fact, it takes a year or two to see whether they in fact have the cafe au lait pattern or if they're the more common gracilidelineata C309 #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #grittymix #closeup #upclose 10 Nov 2018
- Mid Autumn 2018
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Oh wow, some of my #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #seedlings are starting to change too! #lithops #seedling #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 3 Nov 2018
- Mid Autumn 2018
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C243 gracilidelineata #seedlings 3 Nov 2018 about 10 weeks old. First early signs of a leaf change. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243
- Early Autumn 2018
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#lithops-salicola-bacchus #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 13 Oct 2018 #afternoonsun three months old
- Late Summer 2018
- 20
And then there were two (and a half). The seedling in the back I'm counting as half-viable. The two closer to the front look pretty healthy for now. The #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a variety is very fragile and picky. I'm not expecting these last two to make it, but I'm not quite giving up hope. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #grittymix
They look great. How come they are so fussy?
@DickieLeysh just genetics, I think. The person who gave me the seeds told me they might not even germinate, and he warned me this is a really difficult variety to grow.
- Mid Summer 2018
- 9
Down to 5 viable #seedlings left of #lithopsotzeniana #c128a #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a 😟 #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #grownfromseed #fromseed
Oh no, is it fungus?
@erino I don't think so. These are a notoriously difficult and fragile variety to grow. I honestly don't expect any of them to make it. The person who sent the seed warned me that they might not even germinate.
- Mid Summer 2018
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#lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Mid Summer 2018
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#seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops
- Mid Summer 2018
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I put 1-inch pieces of straws in the corners of the box to keep the lid open and allow air to circulate. #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops
- Mid Summer 2018
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#lithops-gracilidelineata-v-waldroniae-c243 #c243 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 9 Aug 2018, 3 weeks old
- Mid Summer 2018
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#lithops #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #c128a #lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a I'm told this species is incredibly hard to grow. Only about 1/3 of the seeds germinated, and although I counted 9 #seedlings the other day, I only saw 7 today. 9 Aug 2018, 3 weeks old
- Mid Summer 2018
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#c56a #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops Lithops julii ssp. fulleri v. fulleri 'Fullergreen' 25 km SW of Pofadder, South Africa #lithops-julii-fullergreen-c56a 9 Aug 2018, 3 weeks old
- Mid Summer 2018
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#c188 #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #lithops-werneri-c188 9 Aug 2018, 3 weeks old
- Mid Summer 2018
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#lithops-salicola-bacchus is often also known as "Sato's Violet" -- there's some kind of controversy about which name is correct, but I don't understand the issue. I have another pot of this variey that's a little further along (seeds from a different source) so I'm really interested to see how similar the plants are (or aren't). #lithops #seedlings #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 9 Aug 2018, 3 weeks old
- Mid Summer 2018
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My holy grail #lithops species: #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait I really hope I can baby these #seedlings and get some or all of them to adulthood. I've read that you don't know for 2 years whether they'll exhibit the patterns that are characteristic of this variey. We'll see if that's true for these guys. I'm not marking these off my #wishlist until they're a little older. #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 9 Aug 2018, 3 weeks old
- Mid Summer 2018
- 15
Here's my box o' lithops babies hatched from seeds gifted by a facebook acquaintance in South Korea. #c309a #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #c188 #c128a #c243 #c56a #lithops-salicola-bacchus
That is super cool!!
Fantastic! I've been growing some from seed too, I found I had a better hit rate when I gave them their own pots rather than a group one, don't know why. Might not have even been because of the pot.
@erino Yeah, we'll see how it goes. Every time I sow seeds I end up changing a few things, so it's always an #experiment #alwayslearning. My thinking was that the larger soil volume wouldn't dry out as fast as smaller pots, and since they need moisture as babies it might work out. #timewilltell
How awesome! And great idea using the straws as dividers but how do you keep them from moving about after laying it on the mix? What’s the mix you use? @sushiwaitress
@veepaisal I poured some potting mix into the straws and then pressed them into the surface of the soil. (I'll tag you on my soil mix photo/recipe.)
Thanks @sushiwaitress
- Mid Summer 2018
- 10
Two weeks in the walmart salad box and we have sprouts! I flipped the lid and put it on upside down so there'd be more space in the box, and I used clear packing tape to seal the edges for the first two weeks and keep the moisture in so the seeds could germinate. #lithops #seedling #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #c309a #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #c188 #c128a #c243 #c56a #lithops-salicola-bacchus
Woo Hoo!!!
- Early Summer 2018
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Here they are, my six types of #lithops #seeds all snuggled into their soil and covered. #lithops #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops #c309a #lithops-gracilidelineata-c309a-cafeaulait #c188 #c128a #c243 #c56a #lithops-salicola-bacchus 14 July 2018
Looking forward to watching these grow!
Awesome! Wishing you lots of luck and success!
- Early Summer 2018
- 6
Finally sowed the six #lithops varieties from my South Korean lithops cultivation consultant, aka an incredibly generous person who sent me #seeds and asked nothing in return. I'm so grateful. #c309a #c188 #c128a #c243 #c56a #lithops-salicola-bacchus
#lithops-otzeniana-aquamarine-c128a one of the most finicky #lithops to grow -- VERY sensitive to water (easy to kill them) but it's actually splitting and making a new set of leaves. #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #gyo #gyolithops 15 june 2020
Such little 😊😊