Aeonium Arboreum Zwartkop
Aeonium 'Zwartkop'
Early Summer 2022
- 14
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Mid Winter 2018
- 8
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Autumn 2016
- 14
Mid Summer 2016
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 3

Aeonium Arboreum Zwartkop
Early Summer 2022
Late Spring 2020

#succulentsunday Cheers all 🍷☀️


Fabulous, enjoy! ❤️

Cheers Belinda! @belindah

Chin chin 🍷

Thanks Dan! 😊 @dan5584

Chin chin my lovely @rachelbrooks
Mid Winter 2018

18 February 2018 • Another casualty of the unheated heated greenhouse but I can’t wait to see what this one does. Look at all that new growth on the stem 😊😊😊

Wow! That’s lots of new growth 👍🏼

I know! Really looking forward to seeing what happens next... I think I may be potting up lots of babies 😂 @richard.spicer.7906

I tried mine in summerhouse first year Jacqui and it did same put it in back bedroom windowsill now much happier 👍

They really, really don’t like to get cold. At all. Ever ❄️😂❄️ @Keely

I brought mine into the house for winter and I thought I’d lost it, put it back in the greenhouse and it’s much happier Jacqueline. Strange!! 🤔🤔

Not at all when I think how cold it was when the heater wasn’t working 🤔❄️❄️❄️ @pelly

It definitely does Katy & G. And some!! @gjones
Late Spring 2017

Good evening from a still sunny #Cumbria. I hope you're having a lovely evening too 🥂
Late Autumn 2016

Another cutting of this tough #aeonium So easy to #propagate Just cut off a piece, leave to harden for about 10 days (or longer if, like me, you had forgotten about them!) then pot up in 50:50 mix of compost and grit. ✅

So just chop off a bit, leave it unplanted, then pot up? @awomanonabike

Yup, that's all Claudia! This time I left it so long it had a little root coming out of it already. @clipperty

Just looking at the photos I have of this aeonium you can really see how it loses its dark colour in the winter. @clipperty How are you getting on with your baby one Gail? @gailybob

Well it's potted up @awomanonabike but I haven't seen it in weeks as it's down hubby's allotment but he's off there today so will get him to check it x

Say hello to it from me! He doesn't have a heated greenhouse down there does he? @gailybob

No not any more all unheated but better than the outside my red bananas are tucked up in fleece down there

Oh! I hope it survives. Still, if it doesn't make it, I seem to have an endless supply!! @gailybob

Excellent @awomanonabike always good to have backups 😍😍

Hubby says it's going good and has some new growth @awomanonabike 😍😍

Excellent! 👌🏼 @gailybob

I'll give it a go then @awomanonabike - thanks for the tip! Yes they do lose their colour in the winter, but soon colour up again come Summer
Mid Summer 2016

Just love this plant

Me too 💚
Early Summer 2016

Is there a way of editing names? I'm not a German speaker but fairly certain this is Schwarzkopf not kepf...

@awomanonabike create a new one with the correct spelling...👍🏻

Thank you very much @malcolmhillen I had a feeling that was the only way. It's a shame they can't be edited... @ukgardentags
And here are mine @pelly @joanboston 😊 Top right is the latest cutting and below it, is its leggy parent 🪜
Looking good!
Wish mine looked as good as yours, mine are terrible 😞
Oh dear. What’s wrong with them Christine? 🤔 @vegandmore
I really have no idea. I bought them from a reputable supplier and potted them according to the instructions but there’s hardly any leaves left 😐
Your stem has more rosettes coming than mine Jacqueline. I only have two so far but there is a tiny blip on the stem so I'm hoping that's another one appearing. I have made a small v shaped cut in the stem of the cutting to see if that will encourage any new growth 🤔 @joanboston
Are they getting plenty of sunlight Christine? They need a lot of bright light to prevent etiolation @vegandmore
Yes lots of sunlight but yesterday I decided to put them in the greenhouse. because of all the rain we have had i wondered if they were too wet 🤔 @pelly
Nah, nah, na nah, nah 😂 I probably just did mine longer ago than you Jane @pelly
Mine get pretty wet (I live in Cumbria 🙄😂) but they are in extremely gritty compost. Hopefully they will perk up in the greenhouse 🤞@vegandmore
I doubt it's the rain but I have no more ideas. I hope it's a teething problem and they settle down and start behaving for you 🤞 @vegandmore