Begonia (Cane Stemmed)
Cane Stemmed Begonia
Late Autumn 2018
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 19
Mid Autumn 2016
- 3
Early Autumn 2016
- 6

Begonia (Cane Stemmed)
Late Autumn 2018
Late Autumn 2018

3 Dec 18 • I don’t think I have ever seen so many flowers on this 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

This is beautiful Jacqueline 🌸🌸🌸

Thanks Jane. I like it even when it isn’t in flower but it is looking particularly marvellous at the moment @pelly

Pretty flowers 😊🌸🌸🌸

Ooh now there’s a begonia I like! 😉 very pretty Jacq, it’s obviously happy ☺️

So delicate 😍😍 They look like apple blossom 👍

Such a pretty flower 💖💖

Blooming gorgeous Jacquline 😘

They are aren’t they Ange. And so many more than usual 🌸 @anges

And it’s not orange! Now that you’re a #houseplant expert I’d definitely recommend this one... 😉🌸 @rachelbrooks

They do a bit don’t they, though they’re actually a bit larger 🤔🌸😊 @ublaszko

Very pretty Pauline 😊 @pauline33
Mid Autumn 2016

#houseplant #indoor

Wow! Love the leaves 👌🏼💚

Early Autumn 2016

Just when I least expect it, off it goes and produces some more flowers!

Specially for @Zeeshan

@awomanonabike That's so beautiful. I am struggling to keep mine alive :). Already broke one stem. Two tiny leaves are left with the third new born.

Does it get direct sun? They really don't like that and apparently it makes the bottom leaves drop off. Also, although the soil shouldn't dry out, don't overwater it. Finally they are hungry plants; I feed mine whenever I water it. Good luck @zeeshan

They are not getting direct light. I fed them for the first time last week. I will take care of the watering as well. Thanks a lot for advice.

You're welcome! They are a lovely plant. And you have a new leaf, so it must be happy!
7 Dec 18 • You may have to take my word on this, but we have roots. Only problem is I can’t remember when I took the cutting but it can only have been 3 or 4 weeks ago 🤔😊🙄
I think it was 3 1/2 weeks 🤔😉👍🏼
😂😂😂 You’ve paying attention Rachel 👏👏👏 @rachelbrooks