Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) syn. Begonia rex
Rex Begonia
Mid Autumn 2018
- 18
Late Summer 2018
- 17
Late Summer 2018
- 13
Mid Summer 2018
- 15
Mid Autumn 2016
- 3

Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) syn. Begonia rex
Mid Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018

7 Sep 18 • I have baby leaves! It’s not quite 6 weeks since I prepared this leaf and it looks like I’m going to get 3 new plants 😊 #leaf-propagation #leafcuttings #begonia-propagation #propagation

That's really cool!! Just from 1 leaf?!

Yes just one leaf Alison. It’s so easy too. Scroll left and you’ll see what I did. @bluefox23

That's so amazing! 😊

You should try it Alison - really quick to produce growth too @bluefox23

Woohoo, well done 👍👍

Sadly I don’t think they will be big enough to pot up or I would bring one to Harrogate for you Jane @pelly

Thanks for the thought Jacqueline, I really ought to give it a try myself. Did you do it in the greenhouse? 🤔🤔

No, just under a cake dome on the windowsill @pelly


I’ve filled the spare bedroom windowsill up already and started in our bedroom tonight, I don’t think Neil will appreciate much more 😂😂 but I might just give it a try in the greenhouse, I’ve nothing to lose 👍👍

Propagation success. I've not tried this method yet
Late Summer 2018

20 Aug 18 • 23 days since I laid a leaf on some soil and I have babies! #begoniarex #begonia #propagation #propagation-leafcuttings

Absolutely amazing.

Woohoo, well done you 😍😍

Isn’t nature wonderful 😁 @Annettenoosa

Haha! Thanks Jane but I didn’t really do much. What am I saying?! I did nothing after day 1 😬 @pelly

Can this be done with any Begonia Jacqueline? 🤔🤔

I’ve just looked it up for you and RHS book says “ The popular Semperflorens begonias used as bedding are usually grown from seeds, although basal stem cuttings can be taken. Leaf cuttings root readily from B. Rex, B. Masoniana and many others, possibly all species and forms.” So I’d say yes! 😁👍 @pelly

Thanks so much for that Jacqueline, I had a quick look but really needed to water the garden first and would probably have forgotten to look it up tomorrow 😂😂 I need a glass of wine and then my bed, shattered doesn’t quite describe how I feel now 😴😴

Cheers Jane 🍷🍷 @pelly

Fantastic! My mum used to do leaf cuttings of lots of different plants, she really was green fingered!

They are great Gillian. So easy but somehow lots of fun too @pottybird42

👏👏wonderful ❣️
Mid Summer 2018

29 Jul 2018 • There isn’t a better thing to do on a wet, windy Sunday than make new plants... #begoniarex #propagation-leafcuttings

I keep thinking it's a cake you've made!! Oh my eyes

Haha! I do use it for cakes too Carol but it’s much nicer looking than a plastic bag 😊 @carolgs

Fab! I had to look twice too! @carolgs 😂😂

I thought it was a hotpot! 🙈🤣 @carolgs @hayleyaj

😂😂😂😂 @rachelbrooks

A hotpot?! 🙈 You need to go to specsavers 😉😜 @rachelbrooks @carolgs @hayleyaj

👓 👓😂😂 @rachelbrooks

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking girls! #reallyfancyhotpotfordinnernow 😂 @hayleyaj

😂😂 It must be the onset of autumn 🙄😉💦💨🌬 @rachelbrooks

Feels like it here today! 😂

Excellent - I was amazed how easy it was to do. I used unravelled paper lips to hold mine down, you should get quite a few from yours 👍🏼
Mid Autumn 2016

Taken just the other day, when the sun was still shining... 🌧☔️🌧☔️🌧 #begoniarex #houseplant

I wish. ☔☔☔ here too. 😊

5 Nov 18 • 14 weeks later and I’ve just potted up 3 new baby plants. There were 4 but the fourth didn’t make it 😢 All from one leaf 🍁✨ #begoniarex #houseplant-propagation #propagation-leafcuttings
That’s brilliant Jacqueline 👍👍
Thanks Jane. Have you had a go yet? @pelly
Aww bless little no. 4! But that’s a great success rate! 👏🏼👏🏼
I think I took the cake dome off too early for it 🙄 @rachelbrooks
Luckily I know what you’re on about otherwise you sound like a bit of a fruitcake! 😜😉🙊🤣 aww that’s a shame lovely, but still a high success rate and you’ll know for next time now 👍🏼😘
I actually need a cake dome for my succulents! They’re all together in a wire planter in the garden and I can’t be bothered to repot them all and bring them indoors, so I thought I’d leave them out but maybe put a glass cloche over the top of them 🤔
Looks less like a cake and more like a plant now!!
Everyone needs a cake dome. They’re quite useful for putting on cakes too 🎂 😜 @rachelbrooks @carolgs
Well I can assure you it’ll never get used for cake! A. Because I don’t bake and B. If I buy a cake it doesn’t last long enough to have a dome put over it! 🐷😂
No, I totally forgot about it Jacquline 🙄🙄
😂😂 Maybe if it was under a dome it would put them off? 😬 @rachelbrooks