Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) syn. Begonia rex
Rex Begonia
Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
- 7
Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Late Winter 2021
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Late Winter 2021
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Mid Winter 2021
- 3

Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) syn. Begonia rex
Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

Still haven’t looked up the cultivar name yet, I’ll get around too it. Incredible Rex Begonia #foliagefriday

Each one is more beautiful than the last! I am not even going to try Begonias, I know it is just too hot and dry here in SoCal.

@pooh4jvn try one and grow it in the shade. They like it warm. Then you’ll know if you can

@docthrill. But do they like it hot? We can be in the high 90s to 100+ most of the summer.

Yes they can @pooh4jvn we get the same temperatures here

Maybe I will give one plant a try. I don’t remember if I have seen them at Lowe’s or Home Depot, maybe they are inside with shade/house plants?

I’ve got a couple from Walmart @pooh4jvn
Early Spring 2021

Now I don’t know the cultivar name of this Rex it’s the new begonia in the collection. I’ll find it eventually you know what it is, give me a haller #foliagefriday
Early Spring 2021

I know it’s a Rex, but the label didn’t list the cultivar name as usual. I’ll find it later
Late Winter 2021

Don’t know the cultivar name of this begonia due to it’s different colors of leaves it’s produced. It’s still pretty small and probably won’t be able to tell what it is till it gets much bigger. There, I posted all of them I think for the first time

#interestingfoliage #begoniasaurusrex
Late Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2021

This is how I propagate my begonias. Poke a hole in the soil, roll the leaf in a tube or funnel, wet the point, dip in rooting powder, put in the hole. I then dome it and rest it in a tray of some water until new leaves form. At that point I’ll pot it in a slightly bigger pot

How I do it @lesliecole49 under lights

I’ve got to remember this
Shiny under flash