Billbergia nutans
Friendship Plant
Mid Winter 2024
- 17
Early Summer 2020
- 53
Mid Winter 2019
- 35
Early Winter 2019
- 2
Early Winter 2017
- 5

Billbergia nutans
Mid Winter 2024
Early Summer 2020

This is a friendship plant and sums up for me, everything that is good about being part of GardenTags. Some of you will know that a friend recently left GT because of bullying. It is hard to believe when there are so many lovely people on here but I do believe it and I know it isn’t the first time. So, if you see someone being unkind or making snide remarks, call it out for what it is and offer your support to the person on the receiving end. It should not be tolerated, ever. #mondaymotivation

Well said.

@ukgardentags Please can you let everyone know when you will be updating the app to allow people to block someone or report them for inappropriate behaviour. Thank you. I hope it is soon



People like that are keyboard warriors and wouldn't dare say something to the persons face, I'd like them to try though 👊💥

I love the green hearts @cee @charlotte they are a good symbol of support.

That's awful 😢,

I know. I’m sure most wouldn’t dream of saying what they do online if they were in the same room 🤷♀️ @buzz40

Me too! 💚💚💚 @DeborahBanks @cee @charlotte

It is Hayley so felt I had to say something 😢 @Hayley.R

Well said, Jacqueline. It’s up to all of us to speak out and not look the other way. If you don’t like somebody or you don’t like what they post then either don’t follow them or just scroll past their post. We all have the right to post whatever photos we like on our own page but we don’t have the right to leave mean or nasty comments on other posts. I hope action will be taken soon to curb this totally unacceptable behaviour. @ukgardentags 💚💚💚
Mid Winter 2019

8 Feb 2019 • 💗💚💙💛💜

#billbergia #billbergia-windii

Very beautiful! 🙂👍

Thank you. It’s a tough old bird too @david71

😯 Stunning flowers! The colours are just beautiful 💚💛💙💜

😲 wowsa

Wow! That’s so beautiful! Great photo. And I love the Spanish name 😍

Aren’t they unusual Kerry, and so easy to grow @kez001uk

It’s a good’un isn’t it Elaine! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Thanks Rachel. I don’t know why it’s called that. I think it should be more Fiesta de Reina. It’s so colourful 💃🏼 @rachelbrooks

@awomanonabike will definitely be keeping my eyes open for one Jaqueline 😁

I might split mine once it has finished flowering if you’d like a bit Kerry @kez001uk
Early Winter 2019

18 Jan 19 • Here you go Janice. I’ve now had a better look and there are five buds on mine 😃 It is tucked up safely inside though, away from the snow and ice ❄️❄️❄️ Such an astonishing flower - I can’t wait @lovestogarden

@kez001uk @cyndi
Early Winter 2017

Billbergia X windii (not B. window - damn autocorrect). I would have posted these photos of the developing flowers of this plant earlier - but I couldn't remember its name! #houseplant

I have this plant Jacqueline @awomanonabike .......I refer to it as 'Queens Tears' or the 'Friendship' plant. Such beautiful flowers :)

It's lovely isn't it Pauline. I had never heard it called either of those names until I looked it up tonight. I wish I could edit it and I would add that but it's over to @ukgardentags @flof1952

#billbergia #queenstears

@kez001uk @cyndi
Something to brighten a dark, wet day. I don’t know that it has ever had so many flowers 💙💛🩷💚 #billbergia-nutans #friendship-plant
That's pretty 😍
It’s fab isn’t it @charlotte 😊
I love these Jacqueline 👍🏻
I have plant envy!!! I really need one of these!! 😀😀
It is lovely isn’t it and looks so exotic @juliesgarden
😂 I’ll try and remember next time I split it @jacaranda 😊 It’s not called friendship plant for nothing x
I didn’t realise you could get them here!
I’ll add you to the list for when I next divide it Julie! I’ve never seen them for sale but I’d be surprised if someone doesn’t have them. I got this from my mother *coughs* years ago 😊 @juliesgarden
Oh that would be lovely , thankyou so much Jacqueline, not the the only one who “borrows” from mum 🤣🤣🤣
That would be so kind, Jacqueline 😘😘
Absolutely not Julie 😂 And not the only houseplant I’ve had since I was a teenager! You will both be welcome but it won’t be for a year or so as it’s not long since I split it but if you’re happy to wait, I’m happy to share 😊 @juliesgarden @jacaranda