#billbergia #nutans I have always known this plant as #queenstears It has the most delicate hanging flowers and is so pretty. #ramblingcottageandgarden
Queens Tears was the common name I remember as a child. This Billbergia was one of the first plants my parents gave me responsibility of learning about and caring for. The unusual hanging flowers with a colour mix of indigo blue, pink and yellow still fascinate me.
#billbergia #nutans I have always known this plant as #queenstears It has the most delicate hanging flowers and is so pretty. #ramblingcottageandgarden
I love it too. Strange name though. I always think of gypsies Earings more than tears
Queens Tears was the common name I remember as a child. This Billbergia was one of the first plants my parents gave me responsibility of learning about and caring for. The unusual hanging flowers with a colour mix of indigo blue, pink and yellow still fascinate me.