Dicksonia antarctica
Tasmanian Tree Fern
Mid Summer 2023
- 15
Early Summer 2023
- 12
Late Autumn 2022
- 6
Mid Autumn 2021
- 17
Mid Autumn 2020
- 8
Mid Spring 2020
- 39
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Mid Autumn 2019
- 7
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2018
- 13
Mid Spring 2018
- 9
Mid Autumn 2017
- 7
Mid Spring 2017
- 6
Early Spring 2017
- 14
Mid Autumn 2016
- 22

Dicksonia antarctica
Mid Summer 2023
Early Summer 2023

A happy-sad day… I finally accepted that, after more than 20 years, our beautiful #tasmanian-tree-fern had died. I ordered a replacement from the fabulous guys at #fernatix which has just arrived. It looks wonderful, with much bigger fronds than I was expecting 🌿🌿🌿 #dicksonia-antarctica

It’s often hard to accept that nothing lives forever but your new tree fern looks lovely. 💚 I’m sure it will bring you many years of pleasure, Jacqueline 😀

Thanks Barbara, you are so right but yes, if it lasts as long as my previous one it might even outlive me🤞 @jacaranda

Oh, let’s hope not, Jacqueline 😂🤞😂🤞

Looks really healthy

It’s always hard when you lose a much loved plant but I’m sure your new tree fern will bring you lots of pleasure 🌿

Well, we’re not immortal either 😬😂 @jacaranda

It really does doesn’t it Joan 😊 @joannie.a

Thank you Angela, I’m sure it will too 😊 @italydiva

How come it died?

I don’t know. It was a very odd winter, not that cold but unusually dry in January. It got cold, very suddenly in December but it was already protected so who knows? The guys at Fernatix said they just sometimes do 🙄😂 @brightcolours

Well, doesn’t that apply to all plants!? 🙄🤣
Late Autumn 2022

I don’t think I have ever been so late wrapping up my #tasmanian-tree-fern but it’s definitely time to according to the forecast 🥶 #dicksonia-antarctica #winterprotection

I think you could be right there Jacqueline, forecast not good up there is it ., stay warm 😊

We’ve had some very light frosts but forecast to get properly cold (by our standards) in a few days @columbiariver

They’re even forecasting snow! I can’t wait ☃️😂 @juliesgarden

There's nothing like a strong corset to keep you warm😁

😂 Yes it has a bit of a naked midriff though 🙄 I had a bigger fleece but ‘someone’ ripped it off in the spring 🤣 @joannie.a
Mid Autumn 2021

Well! The tree fern has had such a good year I had to get the ladders our to cover it up 🌴 #dicksonia-antarctica #tasmanian-tree-fern

I have a very young one (about quarter of the size of yours) and my first winter coming up....I've read that some people cut the fronds off and then wrap it but cutting them off is actually not necessary... do you keep them? And if so, do you have to push them together upwards?

I have a very young one (about quarter of the size of yours) and my first winter coming up....I've read that some people cut the fronds off and then wrap it but cutting them off is actually not necessary... do you keep them? And if so, do you have to push them together upwards?

I have a very young one (about quarter of the size of yours) and my first winter coming up....I've read that some people cut the fronds off and then wrap it but cutting them off is actually not necessary... do you keep them? And if so, do you have to push them together upwards?

I have a very young one (about quarter of the size of yours) and my first winter coming up....I've read that some people cut the fronds off and then wrap it but cutting them off is actually not necessary... do you keep them? And if so, do you have to push them together upwards?

I have a very young one (about quarter of the size of yours) and my first winter coming up....I've read that some people cut the fronds off and then wrap it but cutting them off is actually not necessary... do you keep them? And if so, do you have to push them together upwards or downwards (hope I'm explaining myself 😬😬😬🤔🤣)

Hi Belinda, I’ve read that some people cut the fronds off too, but I don’t. Sometimes they make it through the winter OK and other times I cut the damaged ones off in the spring. I live in Cumbria so the winters are particularly wet. The most important bit to protect is the top, where the fronds emerge. I cover it with dry barley straw which I keep in place with a plastic bag. Then I tie the fronds together above it. Scroll right and you’ll see how I do it. I hope that helps @belindah

I've done mine today too. This year I've wrapped the trunk in thin horticultural fleece and stuffed strips of fleece in the crown. I left the leaves unwrapped last year and they were fine, most overwintered and I cut a few stragglers off in Spring. I'm in Hampshire @belindah so mine needs less protection than Jacqueline's. My in laws in NZ always laugh when I tell them I've wrapped the tree fern - they've got 12 and they just leave them! 🌴🌴🌴

You’re welcome Laura! 😊 @columbiariver

I’m interested that you wrap the trunk Sue. I’ve never seen that done before 🤔 The big challenge in my garden is the combination of the wet with cold. Cold on its own and I think they do OK , hence I keep the crown dry @lilybee

I think the very first year I had it I was advised to wrap the trunk and I've just kept on doing it!

Sounds like a sensible reason 👍 😊@lilybee
Mid Autumn 2020

I’ve just been putting the #tasmanian-tree-fern to bed for the winter (scroll left to see how I do it) and spotted these. Seems like it has its own mini-ecosystem on its trunk 😊 #dicksonia-antarctica #dicksoniaantarctica #winterprotection

They’d grow on your feet if you stood outside for long enough Jacqueline 😆

😂 That’s Cumbria for you 😉@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Yeah your right I wonder if anything ever drys out completely 😄

It’s not called the Lake District for nothing 🙄 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

No fungi on any of my tree ferns here in the subtropics.

No kidding Katie 😂 @brightcolours

Mid Spring 2020

You can’t beat the top of a ladder for a good view 😊#mondaymotivation #dicksonia-antarctica #dicksoniaantarctica

Fab pic! Love the geometry! 💚

Well done, amazing photo 👍👍👏

The things we do for a good photo!

Ferns are just so photogenic especially in the spring 💚 @rachelbrooks

Thanks Jeff ☺️ @jpea

😂 I know! But it was worth it 😉 @jendren

Jeff??? 😁 Jackie 🤣🤣 @awomanonabike

Oops! Sorry about that JP 🤦♀️ @jpea

Fabulous view 💚💚💚

I love ladders! 😃 @pelly

Fab birds-eye view, spiral draws you in.
Early Spring 2020

Ta daa! #dicksonia-antarctica #dicksoniaantarctica

Thanks Laura. I’m really pleased with it. It doesn’t look as bashed about as it usually does at this time of year 🙄 @columbiariver
Mid Autumn 2019

28 Oct 2019 • All wrapped up! If you want to see how I do it scroll left #tasmaniantreefern 🌴

That looks a lovely specimen Jacqueline. I reckon I've got another two weeks before wrapping mine but I'll keep an eye on the weather just in case! 🌴

It’s been much better this year and seems to have recovered from last year when it really suffered in the drought and hardly out in any growth. It was almost -3 last night so definitely time to wrap up ❄️🧣 @lilybee

Wow what a fabulous way to wrap them. I covered a few plants today and dug up my canna lilies. But still have 100 bulbs to plant on land opposite our house. It’s a busy time isn’t it @awomanonabike 😓

Thanks. I still have loads to do...but I always do and I never get it all done but somehow nature makes it all look OK 🙄😃 @suerichards

Looking very cosy ☺️😍😍

I hope so Pauline 😀 @pauline33
Mid Spring 2019

6 May 2019 • Signs of new growth 💚 #dicksonia-antarctica #treefern For anyone who is worried, this was #grownfromseed in the UK by by the wonderful guys at Fernatix

Looks like a little gorilla curled up asleep!

I’m so glad you said that. I almost posted that it reminded me of an orangutan but decided it was just me 🙄😬 @rachelbrooks

Doh! Yes! An orangutan! Think that’s what I meant! 🤣

I knew that 👍😘 @rachelbrooks

Mid Autumn 2018

29 Oct 18 • Seems like I timed this just right. I wrapped it up yesterday and have woken to our first hard frost this morning ❄️❄️❄️ #dicksonia-antarctica #dicksoniaantarctica

Good timing! Looks like I’ve had a light frost here, but doesn’t look like the Dahlias are affected so they’ll stay out for a bit longer.

Bye bye 💚💚

I leave mine until they are blackened, then (if I remember and haven’t gone into complete hibernation myself 🙄) I dig them up and dry them off. I have left one behind in the past and amazingly it survived 😃 @richard.spicer.7906

And so unusual for me Jason. Usually it’s done in a last minute panic 🙄😂 @Jasonsparkes1

Until the spring 👋👋 @pelly
Mid Summer 2018

10 Aug 18 • Yesterday I trimmed off all the old, tatty fronds. The new ones are much shorter than usual but I think it still looks better for the tidy up 🌴💚 #treefern

😂😂 Thanks Gary 🚀 🚀🚀 @scaryskates

Hi I’m A keen Gardner have only been doing it for about six years still quite clueless and not very good at computers so don’t quite know how to get started on this site any tips and hints would be gratefully appreciated PS Dickinsons ferns are amazing I have one in the ground and one in a pot .

Hi Angela, Welcome to GardenTags! GT is a really lovely community of gardeners from the pros to the just beginning. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There is no question too daft 😉 If you want someone in particular to see your post, just tag them, like this @scaryskates - follow Gary & he will keep you entertained while you work out what it’s all about 😉😂😘 @angelawilkin

Angela, hopefully these videos will help you get started: http://blog.gardentags.com/2016/09/14/gardentags-video-guides/ @angelawilkin

That's amazing 💚💚💚

Thanks Jane. It certainly looks better than it did. @pelly

Fantastic 😍 Love these 👍

Thanks Jeff. We have had it for many years and the fronds were getting to be huge but it has had a very rough year 🙄 It was grown from seed by Fernatix, if you’re after one @jeatacake

Wow. Do you know how old it is from seed? If not too long, I may try it!

I don’t I’m afraid but we must have had it at least 10 years... @jeatacake

I was looking to buy one , they cost like 400 for 12 year old. This must be your pride and joy
Mid Spring 2018

6 May 2018 • Good morning peeps. Another beautiful morning in paradise - but my tree fern has never looked so tatty. Hopefully it will recover 🌴

Doesn’t look to bad considering the spring so far 😕

Nice new growth at the bottom! 🌿🌿😊

Yes, but sadly not tree fern 🌿🌿@rachelbrooks

Oh! Yes! I can see now, too low down 🙈 I spec it will pick up now the weather has turned 🤞🏼😊

Hope so 🤞 @rachelbrooks

I’m sure it will be ok!

Thanks Elena, I hope so. We’ve had it for many years but lots of plants have come out of this winter worse for wear @Nostaljazz

Just reading through and see that I had a conversation with you 3 years ago (that's when I bought my first ever one - but I killed it off last year😣 I only put straw in the top but not covered with bag also. It had survived the previous 2 winters but not this last one) I'm hoping I'll do better with my new one purchased this year.
Mid Autumn 2017

Monty suggested that covering the centre of a tree fern with plastic was hard, as it blows away. I use a plastic bag with holes punched in the corners and tie it on ✅ #treefern #treefern-overwinter

🙊 Just realised I posted a very similar collage this time last year🤔 Oh well! Have a lovely weekend anyway 😂

Well you’re consistent...and it obviously works! 👍🏼😉

Haha! Thanks Rachel! @rachelbrooks

Practical woman 👍☺️😍

There's not much you can't do with a plastic bag and some string Pauline 😂😂 @pauline33

Here you go Belinda. This is what I do and it has survived -20C like this, and #cumbria is wet too!! @belinda
Mid Spring 2017

Thank you to whoever it was who last night mentioned feeding their tree fern. I have never fed ours...I have now #treefern

I'm really not a fan of ferns, but seeing all the photos on here of them unfurling I might have to change my mind Jacqueline. Mind you, it seems that everything I have said that about since I joined here have now become firm favourites of mine. What is happening to me? 😂😎😂

😂😂😂 Welcome to the club! My name is Jacqueline and I am a plantaholic @pelly

Oh dear, there's no hope for me now is there Jacqueline. I am a plantantaholic. 😂😂😂 There, I've come clean.

Well done Jane. You're with friends 😀 @pelly

Early Spring 2017

'Tis the day of the great unveiling 😊

Ohh, spectacular 💚💚💚

Stretching after a nice long sleep 😊😊

Oh wow 💚💚💚

Oh fantastic 👌👌

Wonderful 😊

@pelly It was, Jane. I should have had musical accompaniment 🎶

@riakat Absolutely!

@gjones Thanks! Me too - which is just as well as I have a very shady garden 😉

@Keely They are fab aren't they Keely 😊

@juliesgarden The unveiling is a great day 😊

@susanhumphrey333 Thanks Sue 😊
Mid Autumn 2016

Time to put the #dicksonia to bed until the spring 💤 #treefern

That is so beautiful 👌

It really is @wesleybrian and so pleased that it survives here ❄️💦


Good collage of the process.

Thanks Katie @brightcolours You have been very busy tonight/this morning/tomorrow! Or is it yesterday where you are?!

Tomorrow! I enjoyed catching up on your garden! 😊


Ahh thankyou so so much Jacqueline 👍👍👍

You’re welcome Belinda. I am so pleased that it survives here. There used to be three at the corner of the drive up to a hotel (The Samling) on the side of Windermere. Two didn’t survive the really cold winter several years ago (they had no winter protection at all) but the third, even though it did nothing for a year, then sprouted the following year - so they are hardier than we give them credit for 👍🌴 @belindah

Wow!😃😃😃👍👍👍even up in the Lake District👍👍👍 thats good to know. I really love ferns and have always wanted to get my o2n tree fern which I bought this year at the Hampton Court Flower Show 👍👍👍
😊😊😊 To say I am happy is an understatement! It will be interesting to see how long it takes it to fully recover but it is alive 😍#nevergiveup
#happinessis 🤞👍🤞👍
That's fantastic news 🌿🌿🌿
Looking very hopeful!! Keep the crown moist.
Absolutely Barbara! @jacaranda
I can’t tell you how happy it has made me Jane 😊 @pelly
I almost sent you a photo directly Katie, I was so thrilled. Keeping it moist isn’t a problem at the moment 🙄💦💦💦 @brightcolours
Love it when this happens 🌱
Me too and it was so unexpected. If the weather hadn’t been so rubbish recently I’d have dug it up by now 😥 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
I had two hydrangeas that caught the frost and I thought they were goners and then I seen life…..👍🏼 just shows you..
Absolutely. Plants want to live we just need to give them half a chance 😉 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Great feeling