Dicksonia antarctica
Late Summer 2017
Late Spring 2017

Afternoon everyone. My smaller tree fern is finally waking up. Reminds me of a baby orangutan 🤗 #treefern #tropical #exotics #exotic #dicksoniafern #dicksonia #foliage #fern #londongarden

Afternoon Susie @susieg fascinating how these uncurl. It does look like a baby orangutan stretching from a sleep. Brilliant pic 👌 😘

@susieg blimey susie that's been having a good sleep 😴 great when they come to life though.

Big phew! @susieg

Evening Suzie. Yes they're fascinating. They really do seem very ancient 🤗 @jadojado29

😂 certainly has Dave. Was beginning to think it was a no show @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co

Hope you don't become as obsessed with it as much as I am with mine 😂 @susieg.

Amazing plants... worth the wait xx

😂 Too late Dave, too late 😄 @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co

They are aren't they John 🤗 @ukjohnny

Totally Claudia. My taller one has been going great guns for weeks now, but glad to see this one is finally unfurling @clipperty

🤗 @gjones
Afternoon everyone. It's so nice to finally have some blue sky to offset the tree fern. 🤗#foliagefriday #treefern #tropical #tasmaniantreefern #exotic #foliage
Afternoon Susie. Wonderful specimen 😊👍
Evening Susie @susieg looks absolutely Fabulous against the blue sky Great pic 👌👏💚😍😚
Beautiful pic Susie the fern looks gorgeous against the blue sky..love it 👌
Blue sky 😳😉☺️beautiful picture 💙💙💙
Lovely photo, Susie! Have a great weekend 😘😘 @susieg
Evening Sue 😄 it was a birthday present about 10 years ago. Mark took me out into the garden for a glass of fizz and I somehow managed to miss it at first 😳🙈😄 @susanhumphrey333
Thanks very much John 😊 @ukjohnny
Aww thanks Suzie. And good evening to you 🍷 @jadojado29
Aww thanks Mich. It was a birthday present a few years ago and is one on my most prized possessions 💕 @mich
😄 I know, Pauline! In August??? 😄thanks very much 😚 @pauline33