Jasminum nudiflorum
Winter Jasmine
Early Spring 2023
- 9
Early Spring 2020
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 11
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Early Winter 2016
- 4
Mid Autumn 2016
- 2

Jasminum nudiflorum
Early Spring 2023
Early Spring 2020

One of my favourite spring #pruning jobs. I only do it on a sunny day and then only in the morning, so I have the sun on my back the whole time 😎 #jasminum-nudiflorum

Oh, and I work from left to right, obviously 🙄😂

Obvs! 🤣

Well I’m not mad! 😂 @rachelbrooks

Mid Autumn 2019

12 Nov 2019 • This is another of those plants that I take for granted but it will be flowering happily come wind, rain, ice, hail, snow, right through until spring 💛💚 #jasminumnudiflorum #winterflowering

So pretty on these dull days Jacqueline 💛💛

Does it smell nice Jacqueline- I have a yellow one and was disappointed that it didn’t smell?

Ooh didn’t realise it flowered this early! I got one at the beginning of the year, I’ll have to check it on the morning!

Sorry Sharon. Only just spotted your reply 🙄 No it doesn’t have a perfume but it is next to a sarcococca that makes up for it 😃😊 @sharonhayden

...and?! 😂 @rachelbrooks

Oops! Totally forgot to look! I’ll check today...if I remember! 🤪

Well I totally forgot to reply 🙄😂 @rachelbrooks


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Oh definitely. Every garden should have one! 💛 Thank you @ukgardentags
Early Spring 2017

Now is maybe not its time but, given that until our recent building work, there were two winter jasmine on this wall, I'm pleased by how it has spread out and will soon thicken up again #pruning

That's great Jacqueline 👌👌👌
Early Winter 2016

Every spring I prune this to within an inch of its life and think I've gone too far, then every winter it does this 😊 😊 😊

@awomanonabike it's lovely it obviously likes what your doing when pruning it 😊

Thank you Shelley. It is such a lovely plant for some winter colour. @shelleyB

#wintercolour #winterjasmine #jasminum
Mid Autumn 2016

It's officially #winter

#winterjasmine #jasminium #yellow
😳 I’m sure it will be fine… Had to prune it so the painter can get behind it to paint the house, which is badly needed. Couldn’t work out where I’d left my secateurs until I took this photo 🙄😂 #jasminum-nudiflorum
😂😂😂 .. once found mine at the bottom of a compost heap 🙄😂
Which is why I have two pairs! They were lost for two years 😂 @juliesgarden
It will probably thrive after its good hair cut
Always losing mine too. I once found a pair in my compost that went missing two years prior to that 🤣 my husband spruced them up and they were as good as new again
It does seem to be pretty indestructible! @joannie.a
Sign of a good quality pair of secateurs! 💪 @vegandmore