@sunlovin Yeah I don't even know anymore. I think 'Rose Quartz' is an example of a cultivar name that has been bastardized into a catchall name. I know this one actually came labeled as such, and I have a white blooming one that was labeled the same. 🤷🏻♀️ The cacti themselves are extremely variable in appearance as well, so I don't know what the criteria is for it to be labeled 'Rose Quartz'.
@sunlovin this one is much larger and more robust than chamaecereus. Chamaelobivia is a crossbreed between chamaecereus (very petite and drapey) and lobivia (thick and upright, but also prone to laying down when less than fully hydrated). So Chamaelobivias can bloom in any color that either of the parent plants can bloom in, but what qualifies the hybrid as 'Rose Quartz' specifically, I don't know. 🤷🏻♀️
@sunlovin they do well on the ground, but aren't necessarily the prettiest. The stems lay down and spread outward and create an ugly patch in the center where the older part of the stems get overexposed and weathered. Plus they accumulate a lot of detritus bc they're practically impossible to clean. If you could plant it right next to something that will bush out a little bit and obscure the the bases of the stems from sight that would be ideal.
@sunlovin if you're trying to conserve space then I think that's a good call. Alternately, if you have a large pot (maybe an urn that has a smaller footprint) in your landscape then a chamaelobivia would be beautiful planted around the perimeter and draping out. You can thread a water line up through the drain hole prior to filling it and then it will get watered with automatically with the rest of your landscape.
#rainbowweek #orange My mom's cactus.
I thought they only bloomed pink!🤔🌞
@sunlovin Yeah I don't even know anymore. I think 'Rose Quartz' is an example of a cultivar name that has been bastardized into a catchall name. I know this one actually came labeled as such, and I have a white blooming one that was labeled the same. 🤷🏻♀️ The cacti themselves are extremely variable in appearance as well, so I don't know what the criteria is for it to be labeled 'Rose Quartz'.
It is stunning though!🧡🌞
I think it’s this Peanut Cactus-Echinopsis chamaecereus https://plantcaretoday.com/peanut-cactus.html
I’d like to have one, but I don’t know how it would look on the ground. I can’t have hanging plants. 🌞🌵
@sunlovin this one is much larger and more robust than chamaecereus. Chamaelobivia is a crossbreed between chamaecereus (very petite and drapey) and lobivia (thick and upright, but also prone to laying down when less than fully hydrated). So Chamaelobivias can bloom in any color that either of the parent plants can bloom in, but what qualifies the hybrid as 'Rose Quartz' specifically, I don't know. 🤷🏻♀️
@sunlovin they do well on the ground, but aren't necessarily the prettiest. The stems lay down and spread outward and create an ugly patch in the center where the older part of the stems get overexposed and weathered. Plus they accumulate a lot of detritus bc they're practically impossible to clean. If you could plant it right next to something that will bush out a little bit and obscure the the bases of the stems from sight that would be ideal.
I don’t think I’ll get one that spreads. I’d rather have uprights to save on space and have more varieties. 🤔🌞🌵
@sunlovin if you're trying to conserve space then I think that's a good call. Alternately, if you have a large pot (maybe an urn that has a smaller footprint) in your landscape then a chamaelobivia would be beautiful planted around the perimeter and draping out. You can thread a water line up through the drain hole prior to filling it and then it will get watered with automatically with the rest of your landscape.