Early Winter 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 17
Early Spring 2019
- 27
Late Winter 2019
- 15
Mid Summer 2016
- 11
Early Summer 2016
- 19

Early Winter 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Good afternoon all! My seed sowing endeavours have been a bit of a disaster this year but my #dahlia tubers have been a great success so far! Won't be long before I can keep them outside! 😀

@BillWatson - Thanks Bill! I put my tubers in quite early, about two months ago, so they've had plenty of time to show themselves! Hope yours aren't too long in showing! 😀

They're looking great, mine have all grown back and they're outside under a table 👍🏼😀

@sieveheadsarah - That's great Sarah! I left two outside in a sheltered area over winter but they haven't returned yet! There's still time though! 😀

My ones I left in the garden haven’t shown, think the rain this last winter possibly rotted them, the new one/one can’t remember🤣 was a bit late going

Looking good Ian🤗

@kathy - They certainly don't like getting wet Kathy! There's still time for them to show though! 😀

@godfreye - Thanks very much Enid! 😀

Hope you took some lil' shoot cuttings. Bonnie plants, lookin good! Im fighting a mouse off digging my tubers up for a snack atm. Tried everything humane without success until i discovered holly leaves! Hahaha definitely keeps them off👌✌👍

@Sephy - Didn't grab any cuttings Sean as I'll be struggling to find somewhere to put all of these! Holly leaves eh? Who knew! 😀

@bigemrg ano right! Nifty trick tho im impressed. Haha ive kept my cuttings to a bare, bare, bareee minimum this year too for fear of causing a root based tectonic shift lol

@Sephy - Hehe! I know you can't have too many plants, but I think I'm in danger of having too many plants! 😀
Early Spring 2019

Good afternoon all! I'm not having much luck with many of my seeds at the moment but at least we have lift off in the #dahlia department! 😀 #newgrowth

Afternoon Ian, it's the other way round here, seeds doing well but only one dahlia showing any sign of life 💚💚

Exactly the same for me, I never have problems with my seeds, this year is a different story 🤔🤔

@pelly - Not sure what's going on with my seeds! I've got eight trays full but only a handful of seeds have germinated! Even my Chilli seeds, only one has germinated from three different packets! My Dahlias on the other hand, only one pot isn't showing yet! 😀

@sieveheadsarah - I bought ten packets from T&M for £10 and am beginning to think I was sold out of date stock! Very disappointing whatever the reason! 😔

How odd. Have you checked for fungus gnats (sciaroidea) I've had problems with them this year? 🤔🤔

Sounds painful Jane @pelly 😂😂

@pelly - They're all indoors in propagators Jane - no gnats or anything else around! 😔 The only ones that have done really well are my Sunflower seeds which all germinated! 😀

@anges - Hehe! 😀

They're looking healthy Ian ☺💚

@anges - Thanks Ange! Got my fingers crossed that they toughen up before the garden fills up with snails and slugs! 😀

Oh yes 🐌🐌🐌 😬 I only potted up my Dahlias yesterday tbh ☺
Late Winter 2019

Good afternoon all! Had a productive morning potting up my new #dahlia tubers! Looking forward to seeing Bishop of Llandaff, Mexican Star, Lake Ontario and Lakeland Autumn! 😀

You’re early. Will you keep these in the greenhouse?

@rachelbrooks - Definitely Rachel! Will keep them in my growhouse until the frosts have passed! 😀

Ah! 👍🏼

That’s a really good job done Ian 🤗

Great job. I must do mine soon too

Great work leaving mine for a couple more weeks yet still a bit cold for them up here 😄

Good job, I should be getting mine out of the loft soon, noticed some growth already showing on a few!

Oh I will do mine this weekend then 👍@bigemrg

@godfreye - Thanks Enid! 😀

@lexijane - Thanks Lexi! 😀

@Keely - Thanks Keely! Will be leaving mine in the growhouse until risk of frosts has passed! 😀
Mid Summer 2016

Good afternoon everyone! Just in time for #dahlia day, the wind damaged specimen I purchased a couple of weeks ago is putting on a splendid display! 😀

Pretty 🌼🌼🌼it doesn't look too traumatised now @bigemrg 😊

@rachelbrooks - No! Its made a remarkable recovery thanks! 😀

That's a lovely one 😉

Rescued plants are so grateful I'm sure they reciprocate by putting on a special display

@debs69 - Thanks Debra! It's called Happy Days Yellow which I thought was quite appropriate for all of the sunshine we're having! 😀

@kathy - Hehe! I have to agree! Be kind to your plants and they'll be kind to you! 😀

Oh that's lovely Ian 💛💛

@juliesgarden - Thank you Julie! I'd have to agree! 😀

Perfect name! Certainly settled very well, I think @Kathy is right 👏

@titchyfra - I think so too! 😀
Early Summer 2016

Good evening all! Very excited about my dahlias getting flower buds! First time I've grown them from bare root plants! #dahlia

Beautiful macro 😍😍

😮 - I didn't know you could get bare root dahlias. I bought some from cuttings this year, so hoping to get some tubers by the end of the year.

@charlottejhurst - Thank you Charlotte! 😀

@richard.spicer.7906 - Sorry Richard, of course I meant tubers! 😀

Ah! That makes sense 👍🏼

Amazing detail love dahlias 😍

@clickchick - Thanks Jean! Me too! I have five or six coming along nicely! 😀

I have some in pots near my conservatory thats been flowering while we were away so deadheaded hoping to get lots more flowers Ian 😀

First time I've grown mine from tubers over wintered some I'd bought last year and bought more tubers this year, i have made the mistake of not pinching out the tops to make them more bushier 😱 but at least I've learnt a lesson for next year 😂😂

@nessas - I didn't know whether to pinch tops out or not so only did on two of my plants! To be honest there isn't much difference between them! Still got lots of buds on them all! 😀

Good morning GTers! I've not had much time to spare for GT or gardening in the last few months, which is a shame as I enjoy this place immensely! However, I did manage to capture a few of my favourite #dahlias in the garden this year so have decided to share them with you as a final post for the year! Hopefully I'll have more time next year - all the best for 2020 everyone! 😀 #dahlia #mosaic #bestof2019
Good morning ian ..lovely to see you ! Some great dean Lucas there .Happy new year 🎉
Morning Ian, happy new year 🙋😍
Morning Ian, you have some beauties there.
Good morning Ian and Happy New Year 2020🎉🎉
Fab collage and Happy New Year to you too!
What a collection!
Happy New Year Ian! 🌹🌺🌸
@bigemrg ...... Fabulous collage Ian ........ Happy Everything in 2020 .