Late Summer 2022
- 18
Mid Summer 2022
- 9
Early Summer 2022
- 7
Mid Summer 2021
- 14
Early Summer 2021
- 13
Early Summer 2021
- 9
Early Autumn 2020
- 21
Early Summer 2020
- 39
Early Summer 2020
- 25
Late Spring 2020
- 17
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Mid Autumn 2019
- 6
Mid Autumn 2019
- 7
Late Summer 2019
- 14
Late Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 11
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 10
Late Summer 2018
- 7
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 3

Late Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2022


Beautiful rich colour. ♥️♥️

Perfection 😍

@hkyfvr @italydiva thank you both 😀 the dahlia that started my little collection 🫢

@gjones does yours have a name? I don’t know what this is called but have been trying to ID it for ages 🤓

Always welcome. Mine started with a similar one. Can’t have just one dahlia. 😁

@hkyfvr same could be said for most plants 🙈😂

@gjones I’ll have a look at that one, thank you Katy 🙏🏻

So very true 😆🤣
Early Summer 2022

😍 #dahlia

And this is stunning . Lovely colour @kez001uk

Very sultry looking ❤️💜❤️

Beautiful love the colour🤗

So rich and beautiful ♥️♥️

@vinny8000 @KOutdoors @pelly @godfreye @gjones @hkyfvr thanks all 😃 this was my first ever dahlia and still a favourite, even though it kicked off a bit of a collection 😅

Very welcome 😍
Mid Summer 2021

Lost its petals but still pretty 🤩 #dahlia #dahliaday

Let it go to see and try the seeds for next year. You won't know what the flowers will look like might get a couple that are keepers. I tried it myself got four plants. Their flowers were red not pink, two had the dark folige like the parent plant.

Still lovely 💛💕

@lesliecole49 haven’t spotted them go like this before. Like mini Strawflowers 😛

@alan1111 I’ll give it a try 😁 it’ll be fun seeing what kind of plants I end up with 😛 sounds like you got a few gooduns!

@hkyfvr I think so too 😛 like a flower had a baby flower 😂


No keepers this time I'll let them grow this year and give them away or dump them. Given it a go with your favourites, you never know. I got a dahlia this year, it's gorgeous, dahlia colour spectacle, big double and single orange flowers that fade to yellow, looks on fire changes every day, can't get a decent photo giving its thought colour. definitely keeping the seeds.

@alan1111 you lose nothing for trying the seed so it’s a bonus if anything decent grows 😁 the new dahlia sounds stunning! I hope you manage to get a decent photo. I’m intrigued 😋

I've tried and tried phone just can't handle the colour. I'll try again and post soon @kez001uk

@alan1111 reds and oranges are a nightmare to capture properly 🙈
Early Summer 2021

Loads of buds 😍 #dahlia

Such a rich colour. Gorgeous 😍😍

Luv dahlias, stunning, luv the coloue❤️💜

Beautiful colour 👏😍

@hkyfvr I wish my phone did it justice as it’s even darker than the photos show. My first ever dahlia and just gets better each year 💜🖤

@phyl1978 thanks Phyl ☺️ there’s so much to love about dahlias 😍

@sho47 thanks Shona 😀

@gjones thanks Katy 😃

Your first dahlia is so stunning. The dark colour is awesome. 💜💜🖤

@hkyfvr thank you loads ☺️

For your for dahlia, you've chosen well. It maybe dark but hard to miss

Always welcome Kerry. 💜🖤
Early Summer 2021

Something likes this as much as I do 😠🐌 #dahlia

@kez001uk beautiful colour Kerry

One of mine is like that 😡

So beautiful Kerry. I caught Doves in my garden pecking apart my treasure flowers. They kept disappearing and now I know where. Hope they leave your lovely dahlia and move on 😟🙏💗

Little devils 🐌 👿

@ericplummer thanks Eric ☺️ it’s my favourite dahlia 😍

@pelly they never pick the rubbish plants to eat 🤬

@hkyfvr oh no 😧 that’s just mean of them 😣 they must love them as much as we do 😛 I did a snail search and got rid of all I found. They have a sneaky habit of hiding under the rim of the pots so now they get swept out with a bamboo cane 🤣

@italydiva I don’t know how they get to them given these must be 2’ from soil level 🤯 they’re crafty, that’s for sure!
Early Autumn 2020


Gorgeous ❤💛

#stunningbeauty 💘

Beauty ❤

Wow! That's beautiful ♥️♥️♥️♥️

@novicegardenlover thanks Susan 😊

@shaz831 thank you Shaz ☺️

@solly1961 thanks Mark 😁 it was until the winds snapped it today. Last one of the year too 😐

@midnightgardener thank you Chris 😄

Oh no 😔, I've planted some very late, just in bud with a couple opening now. Hope they don't suffer same fate..

@solly1961 I look forward to seeing them 😛 hopefully this weather won’t last so they get to bloom in peace! 🤞🏻

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 the later flowers on this look so different. The wind is by far the worst weather to deal with. Not much you can do to stop the damage 😐 that’s a great way of seeing them flower! 😍
Early Summer 2020


Beautiful colour 💜❤🖤


Every flowers u have @kez001uk is always #stunning and #beautiful ...!!!❤💜❤

Dahlias have perfect geometric forms. Beautiful.

Wow! Such a stunner

That’s lovely Kerry 🐝


@solly1961 thank you Mark 😊

@Mary200631 thanks Mary ☺️

@shaz831 thank you Shabaaz 😁 so nice of you to say 💚

@maldavis thanks Mark 😄 that’s what I love most about these types 🖤
Early Summer 2020


Gorgeous colour 💜

Sheer perfection! I love the color! And the shape of the petals are incredible!


Great colour 🤩

Yup, I definitely need this!! I love the curling of the petals tooOoOoOooo. Ahh! I think I'm in loveee 😍



Love this colour 😍😍

Beautiful colour 💜😍

Lovely Kerry..... looks like a painting 🤩

@librarian thank you Faigie 😀
Late Spring 2020

Looks like one is growing another 😂 #dahlia


Oh wow ❤❤❤

Great colours 💜❤

Wait, what is going on here? lol Does that purple bud open up to that red?

Lovely 😊

I think I had this one last year 😆😆

@anges 😂 all I see is one of those lizards that puff up their neck 🤣

@pelly they go from nothing to all competing to flower first 😅

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😃 love how deep they are in bud 🖤

@jmlincoln it does 😁 they look as dark as the bud when the sun isn’t on them but look totally different in the light 🤩

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😃
Late Spring 2020


@kez001uk miles ahead of mine, jealous!

Oh so near 😊

#peekaboo #iseeyou #bloombabybloom

You have flower already mind are only starting to appear out of the ground

No buds on mine yet but that promises to be a real beauty 💜

@ericplummer it’s just shot up! The rest are way behind this one 😂

@pelly always happy to see this one come back 🖤

@jmlincoln love those hashtags! 😅

@alan1111 it’s grown so much in the past week! All are decent sizes now, even the ones I grew from seed last year have come back well. No others with buds yet though 😜 yours won’t take long to shoot up now they’ve broken the soil 😁

@jeatacake this one is much earlier than usual. Bet yours won’t be far off 😛
Mid Autumn 2019

One plant, 2 different flowers 😛

Fabulously rich colour 😍

@lesliecole49 strange isn’t it 😛

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 you could be right! Because they’re distinctly different. I’ll have to investigate 😋

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😃 the flowers are coming through much lighter than earlier on in the season but they’re still holding up well 😊
Mid Autumn 2019

Omg this is beautiful!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

@gjones they’re such a different colour now, really pink rather than deep burgundy 😜

@lexicon thanks Alex ☺️ they’re normally much darker but have decided to change colour before they rest up for winter 😅

Deep burgundy would be just as amazing I'm sure 😍

@lexicon I do like the darker version 😂 if you scroll back you can see how different it is 😜

Oh they are gorgeous!!!!!

@lexicon no idea if the name or I’d be buying more 😂
Late Summer 2019

The symmetry -just perfect!

#perfectlyformed #symmetry

Simply beautiful! #maroon 💘😍


@janetandjim that’s what I love most about it 😍

@KariSamuel the uniformity is so appealing 😛

@gjones it’s a great colour, starts so dark and lightens a little as it opens 😋

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁

@bandicoot thanks James ☺️

Very welcome Kerry!💘😍

@kez001uk I’m a sucker for perfect symmetry. Again, lovely flower.

@janetandjim me too, the ocd in me 😆 thank you Janet 🙏🏻
Late Summer 2019

Love the colour


@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😊

@staciegokhan thank you Stacie ☺️
Mid Summer 2019

Pretty...what’s on the trellis

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank ya Elaine 😁 it’s 2 clematis but can’t remember which ones 😂

Now that's a beauty. It must be 'Blue Bird' 😍😍😍

Love the dark red colour 🤩

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😄 I best change the encyclopedia link 😛

@jeatacake makes a nice change doesn’t it 😊

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ it’s a little stunner 🖤

Could b karma Naomi? @kez001uk 😜👌

@Sephy I was looking at yours and thought the exact same thing 😛 thanks Sean 🙏🏻


@wtwitchell6969 I’ll check that one out. Thank you 😊
Early Summer 2019

@gardengirlla their colour makes me want chocolate 😂

Perfection 😍

This is the one that I wanted! I think it's called Blue Bird 😍😍😍 Instead, I ended up with the bright red one. You cursed my dahlia! 😜

@sherrisgarden thanks Sherri 😀

@ublaszko 😂 sorry 🤭

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ love the uniformity 😍
Early Summer 2019

I think I have the same dahlia this year! 😄 I'm waiting for the first flowerbud to open.

@ublaszko perfect burgundy for you 😍 at least you have buds though 😁 will be open in no time

I have this one and bicolour burgundy/white so waiting yo see which one is which. Beautiful colour! ❤

@ublaszko oh I like the sound of the bicolour one 😋

Bicolour ones are my favourite dahlias 😄

@ublaszko looking forward to seeing the blooms 😛

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ and thanks to your soap and water spray tip that you gave me last year I’ve not had a single blackfly issue with it so far 😁

@gjones I bet you have some beauties you. Can’t wait to see them 😁

Fabulous love the colour @kez001uk

@phyl1978 thanks Phyllis 😁
Late Summer 2018

Looks like velvet 💐

@Sussanah it’s flowered constantly for months now and still covered in buds 😍

@gjones it’s just flourished since your bug remedy. Thank you ☺️

Love this Kerry @kez001uk

@vinny3000 thank you Gary 😁 my only dahlia, til next year 🤣🤣🤣

Truly one of the most beautiful garden plants. Mine will flower right up to first hard frost here in 🇮🇪 and because I'm beside the sea that may very well not come until mid- December.

@patburke58 you’re so lucky! Think we are due our first frost tomorrow night 😔 I’d never grown dahlias before this year and only have 2 so far but they are gorgeous! Will definitely be adding to them next year 😁
Late Summer 2018

@gjones hard to believe the plant that was tiny and aphid covered has grown into this!
Mid Summer 2018

Still going strong

Gorgeous colour 😍

@suerichards they are darker than the photo too 😋 never seem to stop flowering!

@gjones and thanks to your advice they are aphid ant free and still flowering repeatedly ❤️
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

@gjones almost aphid-free thanks to your advice 😋

Wow great colour 😊😊❤❤

@gjones I’ll keep a check every day now I have it under control. Can’t have the little critters back 😆

@midnightgardener thank you ☺️ I hope the others will be as nice 🤞🏼
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Can’t keep the aphids and ants off these 😠

@gjones oh that’s interesting! So does that mean they aren’t destructive? Or will they destroy the plant eventually?

@gjones thank you for the tip, I’ll get some made up tomorrow and hopefully will rid my first ever dahlia of it’s unwelcome squatters 😝
Not the best photo but this Dahlia has flowered like crazy this year 😍 #dahlia
So many beautiful blooms 😍😍
That looks so like one of mine and it’s flowered like crazy this year ❤️❤️❤️
@hkyfvr @gjones thanks ladies 😀 it’s been non-stop flowers for weeks, and non-stop deadheading too 🤣
@pelly there’s some that have excelled and others have struggled 😜 a weird year for all plants 😅
Always welcome. Deadheading is not the most exciting activity. 😆
@KOutdoors thank you Karen 😃 I’m sorry yours is taking its time to flower 😔 is it usually much faster to open? Could be earwigs chomping on it. They’ve been at mine most years!! 🙈
Fabulous display 👍❤️
Fabulous 🫶🏼
@KOutdoors I’m sure it’ll make it through winter 😁 earwigs were a pain when my dahlias were new but they don’t seem to bother them now. Must not like old leaves 😂
@jeatacake @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you both 😛 the smaller flowered dahlias have all done so well! It’s the big beasts that aren’t very generous with their flower numbers 🙄
Maybe liking the heat but maybe not the dryness? 🤔