Mid Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016

#dahlia grown at the #allotment

Lovely dahlias mine haven't bloomed yet

Just WOW!!

Lovely mix !! 👍

Wonderful colours

Gorgeous 💖💖

I want to concentrate on dahlias next year

Wow! Stunning!


Stunning, just love dahlias
Cracking flowers.

Late Spring 2016

The first #Dahlia are coming out. Can't beat them.

Love the colour . You can't beat Dahlias. 😊

Just gorgeous

Liking the colour 🤗

Lovely flower! Mine have not produced buds yet. Bugs have been eating their leafs!! 😠
I've started growing dahlias this year, what do I do at the end of flowering - leave them in the ground??

You can leave in ground but you run risk of tubers being damaged by frost , better to wait to first frosts in November dig them up store somewhere dry remove most of dirt around tubers . I put them in pots of compost in mid February in a warm room give a good water plant out end of May
Ah thanks

I had a lovely orange dahlia in a pot. I moved house and brought the pot with me. I admit I haven't looked after it and now for the last 2 years it hasn't flowered. Lovely leaves. Have recently transferred it to the garden. Will it flower again? If so how can I revive it to flower again.? Still growing lovely leaves.

I leave a lot of mine in the ground , cover with a thick mulch before winter .
Is there anyway of keeping slugs/snails off dahlias? I would love to grow them in beds but am restricted to pots with copper tape and egg shells protecting them.

Love this plant mine died most get another one 😃 love the colour as well
I love my Dahlias. But it's non-stop deadheading.
Even more so with the wind!! 😯
Phew...glad its not just me. Was starting to think I was doing something wrong x