Early Summer 2017
- 4
Late Winter 2017
- 11
Late Spring 2016
- 8
Early Spring 2016
- 6

Early Summer 2017
Late Winter 2017

Good afternoon all! My #wallflower is starting to do its thing once again! It's lovely to see the #spring sunshine is encouraging lots of new growth in the garden! 😀

Lovely 🌼🌼🌼

@rachelbrooks - I think so too Rachel! It comes back every year and usually flowers over winter too, but not this year! It was pure white when I bought it but is gradually turning cream and yellow! 😀


@juliesgarden - 😀

Oh well it's like having a bonus plant each year then! 👍🏼 I guess that must be down to the PH of the soil..? I have them this year for the first time - neither look in a hurry to flower, there are buds but there have been since before Christmas! 😆

@rachelbrooks - Not sure why they're changing but they were probably some sort of hybrid when I bought them and they're now reverting to one of the original plants it was crossed with! That's just a guess though! Mine always start flowering as soon as the sun comes out! Hope yours starts soon! 😀

Oh! Well it must be a nice surprise each year - guessing the colour! 👍🏼😄

@rachelbrooks - Hehe! I'm going for yellow this year! 😀

Hmm...🤔d'you think?! 😜👍🏼

@rachelbrooks - 😀
Late Spring 2016

As of yesterday my #white #wallflower is absolutely covered in flowers again! Quite a remarkable plant!

Looks amazing :)

Got more than your monies worth with this beauty

Whoops! It's a #wallflower not a nemesia! 😀

@clickchick @kathy - Thank you both! 😀

I did wonder how it managed to over winter😂

Lovely 😍

Thanks @juliesgarden 😀
Early Spring 2016

Can't believe I've not posted a shot of my lovely #white #wallflower plant yet! It has been in flower all over winter and after I cut it back a few weeks ago it started to generate new flower buds! This shot is from the end of March!

Fantastic Ian beauty not to be over looked :)

That looks more like a Wallflower than a Nemesia. It is lovely though!

Whoops! I think you're right Aaron! Will have to work out how to change it in the plant database now! Thanks! @tiggrx 😀

#wallflower not nemesia! 😀

@clickchick - Definitely not overlooked, but misidentified! Whoops! 😀
Seeing as though it's #white theme day I thought I'd do a bit of plant cataloguing of images I've not uploaded yet! This picture was taken a couple of months ago, but my #wallflower blooms are still going strong! In fact this plant has been flowering since Christmas! 😀
That's a lovely one Ian, soft colours 👌🏼 do you know which one it is?
@rachelbrooks - Unfortunately not Rachel! It came as part of a white basket gift set I was given a couple of years ago! 😀
Ah no worries, thanks Ian. Nice pressie though! 👍🏼