Jasminum beesianum
Mid Spring 2020
Late Spring 2016

Okay good people of GT, I need your help identifying this plant! It's growing in my neighbour's garden, has scaled the 6ft fence, and is now making its way into my garden! It smells wonderful, the bees love it, and I do too! Any idea what it is? #plantid

@bigemrg It looks a bit like the Tatarian honeysuckle I have in my border but I am not an expert botamist

I actually think it's Jasmine Beesianum as the leaves look too narrow to be honeysuckle @lamaisonbleueoleron @bigemrg @AnnikasGarden

@justin I did wonder that once I had posted comment 🙌🤔

I agree Jasminum beesianum, I used to have it in another garden many years ago, now my #tashwishlist is getting even longer! 🙃

Looks gorgeous Ian 😍

Jasminum beesianum I have it. I'll put it on profile quickly for you to see

@AnnikasGarden @justin @lamaisonbleueoleron @tash74 @clickchick @Emma915Jones - Thank you all so much! I now know one of the plants that will be going in my new border! 😀
Good morning GTers! Love the Red #jasmine blooms at this time of year! They smell wonderful and the Bees love them! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀 #jasminum-beesianum
Good morning Ian pretty flowers🤗
@godfreye - Morning Enid! They're not very big but there are plenty of them! 😀
Morning ☀️ Ian, love flower on this little gem, I need more pollinators
@solly1961 - Good morning Mark! You'll definitely get them with this in your garden! The bugs love it! 😀
Lovely little flowers 😊😊💕💕
@midnightgardener - Thanks Christine, I think they are too! 😀