Jasminum beesianum
- Late Spring 2020
- 16
- Mid Spring 2020
- 3
This looks like jasminum beesianum/rose jasmine 😊
Thank you I’ll have a look.. I got it from a b&ms in Wales a few years ago and then came back to Manchester with me lol
- Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Help me identify this plant..think this is jasmine?
Thank you, I think I put a cutting in there last year and forgot about it... my other one has grown wild
This is creeping everywhere and it’s in a pot... #help #creeping-everywhere
This is jasminum beesianum ☺
Thank you, the best flowers I’ve ever had from it in about 3 years of having it, maybe a bit longer
@ublaszko thank you for the correction I wouldn’t have noticed, I thought I’d put it under red jasmine already 😂
Jasmines are slow to establish, some take up to 7 years to begin flowering 😴😴😴 My jasminum beesianum took 3 years before it produced any flowers.