Primula vulgaris
Late Winter 2017
Mid Spring 2016

A new plant arrived in my garden today, care of dads garden! He had a border being overrun by these native #primrose so I offered to grab a trowel and re-home some! Just need to work out where to put them now! 😄

Great picture!

They are lovely 👍

Beautiful subject and photo. :) Primulas are a very photogenic bunch.

Beautiful image, I love primroses
Good morning GTers! What an awful morning it is here, wet, windy and cold! Whatever happened to springtime? At least the little #primrose are holding up! Have a great day everyone! 😀
Morning Ian 🤗 typical Monday morning 😬
Morning Ian. It's dry here at the moment but rain coming in later. Have a good day. 😊😊
@clare2611 - Good morning Clare! 😀
@debs69 - Good morning Debra! How right you are! 😀
@pelly - Morning Jane! Let's hope the rain takes its time getting to you! Enjoy your day! 😀
@latebloomer - Good morning Deborah! Thank you! It's like a little candle this morning, brightening up a small corner of the garden! 😀
@bigemrg Morning Ian. Same here too. ☂️☂️
Good morning Ian @bigemrg Snap wet & horrible here. Forecast for the next few days not looking promising either. Think we should all hibernate until Spring arrives. Hope you have a nice day, your primrose is a welcome sight this morning 💛😀
Good morning Ian @bigemrg .......can't wait for warmer weather. Dry and calm here so far......enjoy your day :)
Morning Ian, rain on its way here, I know- cone back spring! Enjoy your day too