Cotoneaster horizontalis
Rock Spray
Mid Autumn 2019
- 12
Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 10
Late Spring 2018
- 5

Cotoneaster horizontalis
Mid Autumn 2019
Mid Winter 2019

My #cotoneaster covered in #snow #snowday 01/02/19
Mid Autumn 2018

The colour on my #cotoneaster is amazing! ❤️ I never really appreciated this as it was here when we moved in and is a bit invasive but it is very pretty at this time of year. 😊 14/11/18

That is lovely 😍

Gorgeous! 😍

@sadieberg @natii Thanks 😊

I can’t remember it being this red before!! @gjones
Early Autumn 2018

#autumncolour berries on the #cotoneaster part of front garden hedge 06/10/18

That’s a gorgeous photo Alison 💚❤️💚

Thanks Kerry 😊 @kez001uk Just stopped to take it by impulse this afternoon, on my way back inside!!

@bluefox23 it’s made me think of Christmas though 😜🙈

Oops! Sorry! 😂 @kez001uk

@bluefox23 @kez001uk It is Christmassy but it's lovely! 😍 gorgeous colour ❤💚❤

Thank you @anges 😊

Thanks @gjones 😊

First time seeing one of those. Very pretty pretty!!!🤗🤗😊💕

Thanks 😊 @terrimclaughlin
Late Spring 2018

Help me identify this plant. #plantid #plantid-shrub anyone know what this shrub is called. Got lots of bees in it at the moment. Forms part of hedge at side of front lawn but has sprouted up in other unwelcome places too!

Could some type of #cotoneaster #escallonia ?

This is a cotoneaster. Berries are loved by birds.

Thanks @daisyrozanne @rbetts25 Often see blackbirds on it, so that explains why! 😊

#cotoneaster loaded with berries 29/10/19 ♥️
Wow 😍 beautiful and loaded! Sorry to use the ‘C’word but it looks very Christmassy 💚❤️
@kez001uk 🤣🤣🤣. Think you said something similar when I posted a pic like this last year!! (Scroll through!) they do though, I agree. I was taken by it when I left the house earlier and had to take a pic!
Gorgeous 😍
@bluefox23 I did 🤣 just looked back and was virtually the same sentence 🙈 but it’s made me want one seeing how great it looks 😁
Thank you @gjones ♥️💚
Thanks @cyndi ❤️💚
Thanks @novicegardenlover ❤️💚
@kez001uk well it obviously makes an impact on you each year!! 😁
@bluefox23 hopefully will have one of my own next year 🤞🏻 my neighbour has a beautiful one, wonder if I ‘borrow’ a cutting if it would be a success 🤔😛
@kez001uk I would say so as mine has ‘sprung up’ in several unwanted places so must be quite easy to root I would have thought!
@bluefox23 worth a try then 😛 and since it overhangs in my garden I’d have to cut it anyway 😋