Zantedeschia rehmannii
Calla Lily
Early Summer 2022
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 7
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2020
- 6
Mid Autumn 2019
- 2
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 16
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 9
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 3

Zantedeschia rehmannii
Early Summer 2022
Early Summer 2020

My #callalily (now outside) has grown another flower. Great show from this, this year. #calla #lily
Mid Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

My #calla #lily #callalily has decided to flower inside before I’ve had a chance to put it outside! 💖

So pretty. 💕 Why wait?

Lovely 💕

@novicegardenlover Well very true! There are 2 more flower stems coming up! Think it might have finished blooming before I put it outside!

@kez001uk thanks it is a very delicate pink. I might have to keep it as a houseplant!!!

@bluefox23 seems to like it indoors 😁

I hope it will just continue when it gets the sunshine.
Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020

I’ve just potted up my #callalily as I noticed it had grown shoots in my cupboard. However I don’t know if i should keep it indoors till weather warms up or if it would be ok outside? #advice #calla #lily

Agree, wait Alison

I'm waiting until mine sprout in a bag so I know which side is up 😂

@dirtgirlworld @jaynehynesburton Thanks. I’ll keep them inside for now then!

@ublaszko 😂😂 it does help!!

Last year I planted 4 calla lilies but 3 were planted upside down and rotted away 😰 I'm not taking any chances this year 😂
Mid Autumn 2019

#calla #lily #callalily bulbs drying out in greenhouse. Won’t be keeping them inside after last year! 27/10/19 NB I don’t read the daily star!! Just using cheap newspapers for my gardening needs!!

Yeah yeah yeah..!! 🤭😉
Late Spring 2019

I have life on my #calla #lily #callalily thought these had died!! 19/06/19

I leave mine in the garden over winter here & they’ve come up well this week.

Better check mine when I get back 😊

The first time I had some, I left them outside but they went all mushy. These ones I over wintered inside but they started sprouting before I realised and just planted them up in case! Many weeks later they’ve sent up new green sprouts!! 😁 @jerseylily

Hope you found some sprouts 😊 @ublaszko
Early Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

#advice just checked on my #calla #lily #callalily and saw these sprouts #newgrowth. Is it time to pot it up? Will it be ok outside even though there’s still a bit of a frost risk? 14/04/19 Also am I holding it the right way round or has it grown new roots and that’s the bottom?

Sometimes it's so hard to tell, isn't it! I'm still just a novice, but that's the way is plant it!

I haven't grown calla lilies before. I bought some corms for the first time this year.

I have these two that are joined together and another one that broke off when I dug them up. I bought these around this time of year last year so think I’ll pot them up and see what happens. Not had a lot of luck with Callas before so if these don’t do anything I’m not going to bother again. @ublaszko @lesliecole49

I left mine in pot last year and they came back probably luck but I would pot them up but don't over water them

Thanks @Keely Will do that in next day or so. I am right in thinking that it is a shoot not a root that has grown?

I bought three varieties this year to give them a try. I wasn't even going to bother because they don't do well in our winters but I thought I'd just treat them as annuals. My last year's dahlia doesn't look to be alive.

I really like the flowers but like dahlias, just a bit of a hassle! Yep I’m not convinced my dahlia is alive either! @ublaszko I’ve got some dahlia seeds that have germinated so might just focus on them and treat them as annuals.

It is a shoot Hun 😄

@ublaszko @bluefox23 still time for dahlias ladies don't give up on them in North too so they take a bit of getting going some of mine still not showing just don't be tempted to over water them as that can rot the tubers with it still been cold we need the hot spell to get them going 👍😄

I potted mine up indoors above a windowsill 2 weeks ago so I thought there would be some sign of growth by now. The new ones have sprouted and are a few centimetres tall but the last year's one isn't even showing any buds. @Keely

I like dahlias. I never thought I would bother with them because they need overwintering but I loved my birthday dahlia.
Mid Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018

Hmm! Me and calla lilies don't seem to get on! This has been like this since a week after the flowers developed! They are really firm but drooping! #advice what's the best thing to do with it? Chop the flower stalks off? Leave the leaves to do their job? When do I take it out for the winter? 🤷♀️😊 #callalily

I seem to have same problem with them Alison 🤨🤔

It's so frustrating as they are such pretty flowers but I seem to get the ones with hunchback!! 🙊😂😂 @juliesgarden

Thanks @cyndi I'll leave them a bit longer then before I do anything with them! 😊

#calla #lily
Mid Summer 2018

#callalily 3rd flower. 24/07/18 #calla #lily
Mid Summer 2018

Ok so a third flower coming up but the other two have bent over. A few leaves look like they’re curling. I’ve used water meter to check moisture but concerned I’ve over or under watered. #advice-needed #advice 20/07/18 #callalily

Soft stems? Could it be too much fertiliser? Just thinking aloud because I had tulips which had long bendy stems and faded colours. But I've never grown calla lilies before so would be interested to hear from others. ☺

I haven't been feeding it though!! 🤷♀️ @ublaszko

I have found with callalilies the flower stem will grow and bend naturally. I think it dose that so when It sets seed it's away from the parent plant.

@alan1111 Thanks. 👍🏼 ok hopefully it's ok then. Last year I thought they'd done this because bulb was going rotten so hopefully it's natural. 🤞🏼🙂

callalily #calla #lily #callalily
Early Summer 2018

Loving this 💕💕🌸. #callalily


Thanks @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I'm hoping to overwinter it successfully this year!! @LyndaClack who knows if I'll succeed!! 🤞🏼😂

@bluefox23 good luck..

Thanks @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

One of my favorite lilies, for sure!! I can relate to the renting and potting. It just hurts to much to leave to much by planting in the ground!!!! The sad thing is, at least here in Texas....things grow faster and seem to just do much better planted directly in the ground but potted plants do wonderful too👍🏻🤗🤗😊💕

Thanks @terrimclaughlin there’s so much I’d love to do to the garden if it was mine🌸 hopefully one day I will have my own!

I feel your pain. I dug out everything I'd put in, in the first rented house. Left them in pots in the 2nd, Had 2 truck loads when i moved them to my permanent home where they stayed in pots until I dug out borders bit by bit 😂

#calla #lily
Early Summer 2018

07/07/18 looking great. 😊 #callalily

Thanks @gjones only planted these in spring as I lost some that didn't overwinter well. 😊

There are those beauties 🤗🤗👍🏻😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I’ve just got to remember to overwinter these in time! 😊 can’t forget!!! Not with those beauties 🤗🤗😊💕

#calla #lily
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

Calla lilies shooting up!! 😊 #callalily #calla #lily
Late Spring 2018

Would it possibly be that the ONE bulb I planted has already got 3 shoots coming off it? Will I get three flowers? @Jasonsparkes1 sorry I keep asking you! 🤞🏼😊. #calla

Ok brilliant. I won't get my hopes up too high for lots of flowers but I was only expecting one shoot so lots of leaves are good too!! 😊 @Jasonsparkes1

#callalily #lily
Late Spring 2018

I know, another poor shot! But very excited about this. I think this is a sprout of my new calla lily? @Jasonsparkes1 not grown from bulb before but the ones I was given last year didn't overwinter so delighted this replacement has woken up!! 😍

Mornings Alison 👋😘

Morning Melanie 👋🏻😊

@Jasonsparkes1 At first I thought I had a root growing upwards, but that turned sideways I think, just to left of bit of bulb showing through. The other bit middle of pic, does look more pointy and shoot like. Was so excited, just had to snap it. Will get better pics as it (hopefully) develops! 👍🏼🤞🏼

#callalily #calla #lily
First flower on my #calla #lily #callalily
It’s a pretty one too 💕