Ficus carica
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Spring 2016

My lilies are doing well!
Early Spring 2016

My olive tree I brought back from Greece in June last year has survived the winter!

Hello Charmaine 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

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Oh great result 👍

Well done!

I did not think you could bring plants out? I go to Greece how can I do that

Looks great.

Hope you get olives

@lindamcmillan I can't believe I said Greece, it was Italy. We helped our friends move to Italy in June last year by driving a lorry over with their house contents and then we drove the empty lorry back so we bought a large olive tree and brought it back in the lorry!

@Kathy We had one olive last year but the olives are for oil not eating so wouldn't have got much oil!

That's amazing
Looks like it could be a fig tree?
Yes it is!