Ficus carica
Late Summer 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 4
Mid Autumn 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 6
Late Summer 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 4

Ficus carica
Late Summer 2021
Late Spring 2021

#figs coming along nicely. Since I now know they won’t turn purple/brown when ripe (thanks, @lydiastirling) I give them a squeeze every time I can, to see if they are ready. What else can I do??

Enjoy them. Sadly the last of mine has been given by the sparrows they have manged to take 14 baby figs off the tree. Even though I netted it to protect the last one

That’s too bad, @lydiastirling. Hopefully the birds around here will stay off these.

I hope they do
Mid Autumn 2020

I was expecting the fig to turn purple/brown as it ripened, so I didn’t think it was ready yet. Then I noticed someone had nibbled on it, so I decided to put up a tape barrier to avoid further visits. While doing that, the fig fell off - turns out it was ready after all. I scooped out the inside flesh and it tasted great! I doubt the others will mature, but I am not removing them yet. They are inside the greenhouse, so if we get a mild fall, I might just get to taste a few more.

All depends on the type of fig you have. Some types stays green which i suspect you have there are ones variegated so stippy and ones that goes brown/purple the most common is turkey brown fig.

Thanks @lydiastirling, I don’t think I’ve ever known what type this is - I mean, it’s not just that I have misplaced the label (I think) 😳🤪😜 Good thing I went to check on it this morning, I would have been very upset if it had become totally ruined!
Early Autumn 2020

Someone had lunch in front of my fig tree today. My gardenbirds live a dangerous life with all the neighborhood cats coming here to hunt.
Late Summer 2018

Such a difference between old and new leaves on this fig "tree" - it is just a rooted cutting, but it has put on quite a bit of growth since I planted it out this spring. #foliagefriday

Wow! Very cool!!💘😍

Good job looks great 😊💕

Thanks @ShelleySnyder @terrimclaughlin @gjones, they almost glow in the dark, they're so bright!

Very welcome Mona!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

It wasn't dead after all!!! In the past 10+ years it has been there, I have never had this much die-back. So happy I don't have to dig it up!
Early Autumn 2017

This fig tree has grown so much this year! Both the birds and I will miss those huge leaves once they fall.

See what I mean @Andrew101 ?

Got it now. Your birds are not shy ones 😀

Sorry @gjones , that was yesterday😉

Or, I just put out very good food @Andrew101 🤣🤣🤣

Late Summer 2017

I might be just a little obsessed. There are 8 little fig trees on this shelf. All made from cuttings last year and the year before. Still, I couldn't help myself when I pruned the two mother plants this year -- meaning more cuttings... Where will I ever put them all???

Not sure about that @columbiariver, but I love them even without fruit. My two main ones are quite a few years old but have never shown any sign of flowers or fruit. Perhaps the conditions are wrong, supposedly they fruit better with constricted roots. Perhaps I should try one of the 8 children in a pot in the orangery.

Yes you definitely need to constrict their roots if you want fruit

Thanks @jonners73. I don't see how that will be possible with the two already in the ground, the roots have probably spread all over the place. Now that I have most of the framework of branches the way I want them, I'll start pruning a bit differently, so perhaps I'll get lucky.

#fig #grownfromcuttings
Late Summer 2017

Pruned and "anchored" my other fig tree!

Thanks @gjones. It gets quite windy, so I try to plant to filter/soften it a bit. The table pot is only for calm days, though. Usually it stays UNDER the table😂

What a lovely corner🤗 I have a similar problem with wind!

@valjones-hughes , wind can be challenging. It is not only the pot that keeps moving, I quite often have to fold and lay the furniture flat on the floor too...

Ha, yes Mona. We have really heavy chairs but even they get blown over! I have just put a plant that looked totally dead in a sheltered place behind the shed and, hey presto, it's coming back!

I have to aim for some balance, because no wind is also not good. Here in our wet climate, we would get rust and mold and all kinds of trouble if the air didn't move so much. It is really hard on the plants though (and furniture!) @valjones-hughes

#sittingarea #mygarden-emve
Mid Summer 2017

I've pruned my fig tree. It was threathening to take over the world (as well as my view)!
Late Winter 2017

I think it is safe to assume that this fig cutting is getting rather established. But look in the corner of the pot, it seems it has a co-habitant! I wonder what I have put there!!?

Not really happy with this collage because somehow it got fuzzy when I uploaded it. The original is a lot clearer. Has anyone experienced something similar? @darrenlakin - anyone?

@emve no not experienced that but i do it all on my phone dont know if that makes a difference 🤔🤔🤔

@darrenlakin I don't know. I took the photos and created the collage all on my phone. The collage I have saved in my image gallery looks a lot clearer than what showed up here.
That one there really decided to grow!