Late Spring 2020
- 41
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Late Spring 2019
- 11
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Early Spring 2019
- 2

Late Spring 2020
Mid Summer 2019

If at first you don’t succeed! #mondaymotivation #foxglove

That’s me on a Friday night lol 😂 🍹

Miracles do happen...🤣💜

Haha me to @suerichards 😂
Late Spring 2019

Evening all! Let me tell you I am well and truly over the rain! Today’s casualties, not happy about loosing my foxglove children! Still, they do look nice in the house 🧡💜💚💗 #foxglove #rose #euphorbia #allium #cutflowers #raindamage #pink #orange #purple

My foxgloves are lying down. ☹

Oh it’s so gutting @charlotte

Shame but they do look pretty

My foxgloves are lying down too

Oh no that’s such a shame but at least you still get to enjoy them even if it is inside..fingers crossed the sun returns to us all soon! 🤞
Late Spring 2019

Evening all! May have to rethink the location of the #waterfeature the #iris and #foxglove are swamping it! Growth over the last couple of months is immense. Might have to make a completely different water feature area as I certainly won’t be rethinking the foxgloves! #mygarden-dan5584 #june #bestofjune #field #view

Looks beautiful 😍

Nope foxgloves have to stay. 🙂

Such a nice combination. Something gorgeous everywhere you look.

@BillWatson 😂😂 good idea!

Definitely @charlotte ❤️

Thank you @Hayley.R @janetandjim 💚

Oops! Well mine is constantly full of Iceberg rose and weigela petals...but I ain’t moving them either! 😆

Those foxgloves look superb 😍

Not a chance Rachel! 😂 @rachelbrooks

Thank you Barbara x @jacaranda
Late Spring 2019

A very English view over a gin or 10 🍸! #english #floxglove #view #mygarden-dan5584

Chin chin 🍷🍷


🍸 cheers 🥂

Mine’s a martini 🍸 😉 Cheers!

Incredible flowers and view, Dan!!
Mid Spring 2019

The best part of setting up a wedding, when you get to bring copious amounts of you favourite flowers home! My kitchen smells glorious! 🦊 #weddingbonus #springwedding #foxglove #rhododendron #pink #white

Oh wow 😮 🥰🥰


This is amazing!!! What growth!! I just love it. 🥰😍🥰
Normally these would be my best of June, but they came rather early this year! My all time favourite, no matter the colour or variety, foxgloves are heaven to me! 💓🦊💓 #favourite #favouriteplant #foxglove #collage #spotted #white #pink #peach #purple #mygarden-dan5584 #bestofmay #colourcombo #digitalis #mygarden-dan5584
These flowers are really beautiful 😀😍
Dan these are absolutely amazing 😍😍😍😍
Be still my beating heart!! 💓 Who needs Chelsea?! @dan5584
Nice collection you have there!!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a wonderful collection! 👏👏👏
Fabulous collection Dan 😍😍😍
I have a solitary white one, and that collage has made me rather envious. Beautiful collection of very different foxgloves, exceptional 👏
Thank you @akshat 💓
I’m a tad obsessed, the love for them must run in the family, I always remember as a child my grandads garden was just a wash with them! Thank you for your lovely comments! 💜💓 @Mandsboo @mulberry @saco @pelly @awomanonabike @solly1961
They would look fab up against that trellis Mark! @solly1961
I bought a foxglove last year and was super excited, but it didn’t end up being quite what I expected... 😒 If it flowers again I’ll take a pic! @dan5584