Late Spring 2019
Mid Summer 2017

That bee doesn't know where to land, he's spoils for choice !!

Ha ha yes Gillian it has it all to itself (for now) 🐝 @pottybird42

Thanks Laura. It never let's me down 😊 @columbiariver

Yay👏💙 it's come out 💙

It certainly took its time! 😁💙👍 @harebell


Fab colour 💙 I'm also liking the colour of the plant at the base of the shed too Jeff...what is it?

What a nice looking flower. You have some nice stuff and really looks good how everything sort of flows. Great job! Beauty doesn't come easy😊💕👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

@rachelbrooks thanks, that's a hardy geranium. It's large blue/purple flowers are pretty good too in May/June 😊👍

It's mostly more through accident than design Terri, but thank you so much 😘 @terrimclaughlin

Lovely colour 💙💙💙

Thank you Judy @plants 😊
Foxgloves. Definitely not African Lily. Not sure how it got the wrong name, but don't know how to change it 🙈
Look great mate
Press on your picture on your profile then on the righthand side there is a pen picture press that and it will guide you
It's already linked to your other pics of agapanthus now, so if you change encyclopedia link, it'll change the link on them too... Gtags won't let you separate photos once uploaded, so the only way to label it properly now is to delete this image, and upload again under foxglove 😕 @jeatacake @jaynehynesburton
Cheers Neil 👍 @nmg333
Thanks Katy @gjones Done it! 👍
Thank you too @jaynehynesburton & @Mikekally Got it! Still don't know though how it became named as Agapanthus in the first place! 🤔
Fab display 💕
Oh Laura you are so kind 💕😘 In all honesty, these are all self-seeders & well suited to their native climate of course here, but should do well there too, especially in cool, moist & mostly shaded spots 👍 @columbiariver
Cheers Rach 👍 @rachelbrooks
Cheers Cyndi 🙂 @cyndi
Well I do that for a living, but for something far less interesting than plants! Thank you kindly Laura 😊 @columbiariver