Magnolia x soulangeana 'Red Lucky'
Magnolia 'Red Lucky'
Early Spring 2022
- 4
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 8
Late Spring 2020
- 2
Late Summer 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 2
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 11
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 8
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 10
Late Winter 2018
- 5

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Red Lucky'
Early Spring 2022
Early Spring 2021

Waiting to pop 🤗

Mine too 👍
Early Spring 2021

@pelly i think this is going to be better this year jane. Hows yours doing ?

Mine has 7 buds this year Dave .....looks really healthy 👌😯

@flof1952 im pleased this year pauline. I didnt get one flower last year.

Like about the same as yours. I've got three buds about to open and some more coming 💕

These trees are so gorgeous when they bloom, I used to have one at my other house before we moved, such a lovely fragrance when they bloom💗💗

@crabby58 how big did it get thelma ?

When we moved she was probably 20' with beautiful big pink and white flowers

I'll see if I can find a picture to show you😃such a beautiful tree
Late Spring 2020

Looks healthy enough, but no flowers this year 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭

Oh no, what a shame 😢
Late Summer 2019

@pelly hows yours doing jane ?

Pretty much the same as yours by the look of it Dave. It's in the ground now 👍👍

Lovely twig 😁
Late Spring 2019

Mine is the same Dave, it’s doing so well since I put it in the ground 💚💚
Mid Spring 2019

Well, it took forever to flower, and it lasted about a week, but worth the wait.

My petals fell off today, but yes, definitely worth it. Onwards and upwards for next year, we might get two Dave 😄😄
Early Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

Feeling pleased 🤗🤗🤗

And so you should, it’s beautiful 💖

@lovemygarden65 you should smell it marilyn, its great 😀
Early Spring 2019

@pelly Almost jane, although ive cheated a bit and bought it inside .

It's beautiful Dave, mine is nearly there 💕💕

@pelly its opened up this afternoon, after being indoors jane. Think it just needed a bit more warmth.

We've had a few very chilly days haven't we ❄❄

Now she is beautiful 💕
Early Spring 2019

@pelly look jane, 30 seconds in the microwave and bingo. You should try it with yours. Only 30 seconds though 👍

I'm convinced you're trying to win by unfair means Dave 😂😂😂

Wow looking gorgeous Dave 😯👌

Stunning pic

What did you do in the microwave!?

Lovely #bestofapril

Beautiful! 😍🌸💕💖 microwave?

@flof1952 @lesliecole49 @cpl721 unfortunately this isnt my magnolia, its one off google. Myself and jane @pelly are still waiting patiently for ours to open, so i told jane i was sticking mine in the microwave to speed it up a bit .

Lol, to funny! 😂😱🤣

Early Spring 2019

Tantalisingly close @pelly @flof1952 🤗

That is exactly how mine is Dave, the race is on now 😂😍

@pelly i wonder if you put it in the microwave it would speed it up 🤔 have a go jane, and let me know how you get on 😁

I see, playing dirty now are you Dave 🤣🤣🤣

😂😂 definitely Debra @debrascott
Early Spring 2019

Im being really patient here, but, Come On. Its worse than watching paint dry.😴


My camellia is the same. I keep watching the flowerbuds swell up and it's been getting ready to flower for at least a month 😥

Is that the 'paint' you bought or didn't buy when you got sidetracked?!!

😂😂 mine looks just the same Dave.
Early Spring 2019

Just got home, and rushed to see if my magnolia had any flowers coming, and Bingo @pelly @flof1952 its not far behind 🤗

@debrascott your not far off debra 🤭


Yay, yours looks slightly ahead of mine, but how fantastic that they are flowering in their first year. I was expecting at least a two year wait Dave. I think we done good!! 👍😍

Oh brilliant Dave you're over the moon 👏👏🙂

@flof1952 it'll be nice to see it in flower pauline 🤗

The buds on mine are still quite tight at the moment .....can't wait to see it full bloom Dave 👌😍👌
Early Spring 2019

@flof1952 @jadojado29 @pelly no signs of flowers on mine 😪

Oh ....still time yet though Dave. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞

Keep the faith Dave 👍👍

That looks like a bud on the right

@carolgs fingers crossed carol 🤞
Late Winter 2019

#newgrowth hopefully it will start to show off a bit this year 🤞

I think there's a few of us hoping that Dave 👍👍

@pelly i think the competition is fierce with this one jane 😂

Definitely, I wonder whose will flower first? 🤔🤔
Late Winter 2019

@pelly here it is jane, just in bud at the moment

Oh your branches are growing better than mine, mine are still a bit stumpy. I think they're doing really well considering how new they are though 👌👌

So glad you posted this update Dave .....I think we all purchased this MAGNOLIA around the same time. Wasn't sure what to expect but mine looks at the same stage as yours you think it will flower this year @pelly

I’m hoping so Pauline, mine has lots of buds on it @flof1952 👍👍

This is on offer again at Thompson & Morgan for anybody interested @pelly

@flof1952 im going to stick with the one pauline, and see how it goes, im running out of space quickly 😂

Me too Dave re space ....never grown them before so need to see how this one develops 👍🏻🙂

Me three, although it's very tempting Dave and Pauline @flof 🙄🙄
Early Autumn 2018

Starting to look like it should. I think 🤔

Mine too 💚💚
Late Summer 2018

Doing really well now.

Looks healthy Dave 👍

Sure is...👌🏼

It does Dave, but I've cut the lower leaves off as I want a standard, which it's supposed to be?? 🤔🤔

@pelly, i was going to ask that question jane. When is it best to do that. Now or in the spring ?

Really pleased with mine too Dave ....think several of us took advantage of the offer. Hope it flowers next year 👌🍃❤

I did mine a couple of weeks ago Dave, it doesn’t seem to have done any harm. I had growth right near the bottom and it looked silly 👍👍

@pelly mines the same Jane, I'll do it a bit later 🙂
Mid Summer 2018

@charlotte it should look like this charlotte, fingers crossed.

Oh that's lovely.

Will it flower like that next year ?

@charlotte probably not Charlotte, its a bit of a waiting game i think.
Mid Summer 2018

Some really nice foliage coming on this now. Got a bit of a velvety feel to them.

Stupid question alert - will that be a tree when it grows up ?

@charlotte not a stupid question charlotte, it should be a standard i think. Its took that long to get going ive forgotten what it looked like. Possibly jane @pelly can remember.

Erm. Another stupid question. What's a standard?

Dave is that one of the pair you bought that didn't bud for a while? It looks great!

@Denise16 yes denise. I lost the other one, but this one is doing well now.

Yes it is a standard Dave, grows to about 6’ tall. A standard tree has a single trunk and is devoid of branches apart from at the top Charlotte @charlotte 👍👍

Morning Jane. That's interesting. Never knew that !! @pelly

Morning Charlotte, I must admit I wasn’t sure so I Googled it, it’s actually a bit more complicated than that!! @charlotte 👍👍
Mid Summer 2018

Looking like a little tree now.


Mine too Dave, great isn’t it 💚💚

@pelly, it took its time jane 😊
Early Summer 2018

@pelly my stick is coming along jane now 😁

That’s looking better, that’s about where mine is too 👍👍👍

And mine Dave ....think quite a few of us took advantage of the standard MAGNOLIA offer 😊👍
Late Spring 2018

Its been a long wait, but theres #signsoflife at last. Should get a flower before im 60 at this rate.😀

Same here Dave ...just a few more bits of green on mine though. Did think I'd planted a dead stick 😞🍃👍
Early Spring 2018

No #signsoflife yet jane. Hows yours doing @pelly

Nice stick. Are you growing that for Frank 😂😂😂

Could well be Charlotte by the look of them 😂 @charlotte

Brilliant comment! @charlotte

Dont encourage her nicola 🤣 @jendren

It's the same Dave. I've just been doing a bit of reading and can't find much but one site suggests scraping a bit of bark off and if it's green underneath it's still ok. If it's brown...............well!! I'm going to try it tomorrow. 🤔🤔

Frank says if its brown he'll have it 😂😂😂 @pelly

If it's brown he might as well!!! 😂😂

Im sure they'll be fine jane. Theyll be getting lots back if there not 😠 @pelly

I knew I left my hiking stick somewhere... 😁😁
Late Winter 2018

Here's my two snowmans arms jane. Lets see how they go @pelly

😂😂☃️☃️. Frank seems to approve, so that’s ok Dave.

Hope Frank isn't about to have a nibble

I bought one these too .....planted it this afternoon Dave. Can't wait to see those gorgeous blooms 😃❤🌸

Frank is being nosey !!!
Talk about take your time . I wish it would hurry up.
Yours is so much further on than mine Dave 💞💞💞
@pelly weve had a nice week of sun this week jane. I think thats helped.
Mine doesn’t get as much sun as I’d like but when I put it in the ground it was the only place it could go 👍