Magnolia x soulangeana 'Red Lucky'
Magnolia 'Red Lucky'
Mid Spring 2018
- 4
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 17

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Red Lucky'
Mid Spring 2018
Late Winter 2018
Late Winter 2018

Look what arrived today... Bare roots in little bag.. Says soak for half an hr then plant... What shall I do with them? #advice not planting tonight. One is going in a pot.. Maybe I need to pot both for now? #Help

Probably best to pot them at the moment with the weather the way it is 👍🏻

I agree with @nessas especially with this weather Diane @Di007

I had to put mine in a pot because of the ericaceous soil which we don’t have..

@nessa they came in the brown bag behind them..

@jadojado29 @nessa @wagsmomthompsonbtinternet I gave a magnolia in the garden which is doing ok.. But think I read if your potting them put them in John innes no 3 mostly soil... Do you think if I pot them they can stay outside..? Or?.. Thanks 😊

A good soaking tomorrow Di I normally soak for about an hour then plant them in pots for now 👍🏻 and somewhere sheltered from the weather they will be fine and dandy 👍🏻☺️

Thanks @nessas sounds like a plan thanks for the advice 👍

If mine comes tomorrow at all least I know what to do now. I have some ericacious compost, but not enough. I need a trip to the GC anyway, so I'll have to pick some up Di. Thanks @nessas @jadojado29 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😊😊

@pelly has your magnolia arrived? Took me ages today shopping for pots (decided on potting them both for now) I soaked them for a couple of hours while I was out.. The man in the local gc said he has left standard plants soaking overnight @nessas anyway they are now in pots in summer house hopefully will be ok till this cold spell passes ❄

Yes I have left roses soaking overnight that looked dead that had been left in the shop for a couple of months they were reduced to 50p 😬 they now are thriving standard roses and bloom lovely in the summer it’s all about getting the moisture back into the roots yours will be fine 👍🏻 let me know how you get on with them ☺️

Will do.. Thanks @nessas 😘
Did a scrape test one is green the other not so sure about @pelly 🤔
The one on the left doesn’t look very promising Di, I would ring them up and tell them 👎👎
@pelly hi Jane I spoke with them and they have given me a refund on the dead one they had no others in stock.. Fingers crossed the green one will survive 🙄
What a shame they didn't have any more but at least you're getting your money back. I've got my fingers crossed for the other one too, I'm sure it will be fine 😘😍