Ficus lyrata
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

Also found this with my great grandma at the same greenhouse. I've watched a fiddle leaf fig for a while! Any #advice for this babe please send them this way! #fiddle-leaf-fig #fig-advice #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #apartmentgarden #apartmentgardening

Definitely repot the fig ASAP. If you want a tree try a taller / deeper pot that’s not too big. Use well draining soil on a layer of rocks and add fresh top soil around the trunk. Pull off a couple of the lower leaves. Keep the soil moistened but not sopping and keep the fig close to a natural light source and away from vents, cold drafts and heaters. Lovely fiddle leaf fig you have there, take care!

Thank you @dan0 ! It's currently giving off a new leaf so should I still repot it?

You’ll want to remove other leaves so the new growth should be ok. Good rule of thumb is: don’t remove more than 1/3 of the foliage, the leaves. For fiddle leaf figs; if possible use gloves to remove some of the lower, dead and/or damaged leaves then dispose of leaves immediately (can be toxic to humans & pets).
Lovely little #newleaf
That's so sweet 😍