Ficus lyrata
Late Winter 2021
Late Spring 2019

I moved my fiddle leaf fig outside yesterday and I’m worried it’s going to get destroyed by pests this summer. 😖 I feel like I made a bad decision! But I want it on the deck to help with privacy and I want it to grow to its potential over the summer. I’ll be moving it back inside in the fall. #flf #fiddleleaffig #figtree

@ecoami Good luck. I move my FLF two inches and a leaf falls off 😂🙈 after bringing in some uh interesting critters from doing an outdoor indoor trade off, my indoor plants stay indoors. My outdoor plants stay outdoors.

@jenncess yeeeeah maybe I’ll bring it back in now 😱
Early Spring 2019

Check this one off my wish list! I finally have a fiddle leaf fig!!! #wishlist-nomore #fiddleleaffig (3/26/19)
It took me up until last year to really realize my fig wasn’t just one, but SEVEN figs in one. I was too nervous last summer to try to separate them. It started dropping a ton of leaves recently after I prematurely fertilized it, got too excited for longer days too soon. The top growth still looks healthy but it’s still loosing leaves. I cut two of them out last week so I could try to water propagate them. This way if the ones in the pot die I’ll have extra. Or vice versa. #flf #flfhelp