Ficus lyrata
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Early Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 2
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 3
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 6

Ficus lyrata
Early Autumn 2021
Mid Summer 2020

Also cleaned my #fiddleleaffig cant believe how much dust was on it. Also I wish my leaves would get bigger on it. Still love it tho it's grown so so much since I got it. It was like a bush at first. #cleaningplants #cleanleaves
Mid Spring 2020

In my plant room watering and messing around. Since the pandemic my oldest daughter came home and now needs this room so I'm.getting ready once its warm enough to move the plants and bunny back outside it just got so. Cold again. Anyway realized my #fiddleleaffig is growing so beautifully and it made me so happy. Getting so big since I got it. #growth
Mid Winter 2020

My beauty #fiddleleaffig shes doing so good even tho its been pretty dark and I moved her. She hardly geta watered and is hanging in there really well im thinking of taking another cut from her. The first one I took rooted and is doing well and I wanna spread the love with her too. Also I want it to branch out

It had 2 leaves @cyndi. Like it was a stem cutting.
Mid Autumn 2019

Sorry I missed yesterday but here is Nov 2 challenge photo #plantvemberphotochallenge #plantvember #green #fiddleleaf #fiddleleaffig @savannahssucculentgarden
Early Autumn 2019

Shes grown over a foot this summer. Every time I turn around she has a new leaf. #fiddle-leaf-fig #growth

I saw these today at HD. I’m still shocked I left without one or any actually. Pretty!!🤗

Go back and get one! I love mine....
Mid Summer 2019

His new leaves are so big and bright and glossy! I got this for like 15 bucks and its producing new leaves CONSTANTLY. So happy with it. It loves its new shady spot on the covered back patio. #fiddle-leaf-fig #newleaf
Late Winter 2019

I finally got myself a #fiddle-leaf-fig I am so excited its like 2.5 feet tall not including pot and so super full and it was only 17 dam dollars !!! What?!!! #deal #goodfind

I got mine tooo. For $17.00. I was soooo excited too. @heatherdirtyhands I still am.

@alysha how long ago did u get yours? Hows it doing?

I bought mine in January. I asked for it for Christmas. But it was outrageously priced. 😳 I stopped into a Home Depot. And there they were. I had them all off the pallet looking for the best one. I was getting some looks. But I didn’t care. Was so excited 😆 it’s doing real good. I’ve been experimenting with light. I have a new growth on it too 😃🤗😁 @heatherdirtyhands

I tagged you in a picture of mine. @heatherdirtyhands ☀️😃

@alysha. Found mine at Lowe's had all them pulled out too didn't care who saw. I walked around to look at more and a woman walked near the one I was feeling and I was like uh uh honey lol
So it's going down in the 40s tonight so I brought alot of plants in and I had to add a support stick to my #fiddleleaffig because it had broke during a storm anyway couldn't find anything long enough so used a curtain rod lol hey it worked. I really wish it would branch out or something but the new leaves look so nice at the top. When I got it it was just a little bush #supportrods #overwintering