Euphorbia pulcherrima
Early Winter 2023
- 3
Late Spring 2021
- 4
Mid Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 5
Late Winter 2021
- 5
Late Winter 2021
- 3
Mid Winter 2021
- 3
Mid Winter 2021
- 2
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2020
- 5
Late Autumn 2020
- 2
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 2
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 7

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Early Winter 2023
Late Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

Apparently neglect is keeping this alive and thriving
Early Spring 2021

Came home early, last November, and still a stunner. Never happened before, but I have learned a lot more since then. Still around for a #foliagefriday

Mine is still going strong @crabby58 and @hannahchristine but it’s in a greenhouse and they thrive better in humidity

W❤W your secret is humidity? Interesting, I need to help mine along😊yours is gorgeous👍

I know there grown in massive greenhouses until the are sent out for sale. This is the first year I’ve had a green house and the first Time to keep one alive after January. It’s the first year I’ve had a greenhouse. I’ve only done a little research on them but not enough to know if humidity is the secret @crabby58 but it does appear to be true. I did kill my pink one though so I can’t say for sure. Sorry

It's ok 😃 @docthrill it's all a learning experience👍I've had mine for 4 years and she just starting loosing her leaves this year so thinking repotting might help with new soil new nutrients😃👍
Late Winter 2021

Love the water droplets

Wondering🤔David, have you ever cut your poinsettias back after the blooming season, so they rebloom? Your's is beautiful.

@crabby58 Thelma, I’ve never cut one back yet. The wife and I brought this on home early November

Thank you, David. I have one that this Christmas will be 4 yrs old and probably 2 1/2 ft tall, but all stems and looking very sparse in leaves this past year, so thinking of cutting it back and repotting it 🤞🤞

Probably overdue @crabby58
Late Winter 2021

I’ve never been able to keep them alive but then a year ago I didn’t have a green house. Still so beautiful and healthy.

Awesome. I’ve always wanted a greenhouse for that reason. 👍🤩

Do you have space for a green house ?
Mid Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2021

Still going strong, in some ways I can’t believe I haven’t killed it yet. I’ve never kept one alive this long before. For about a year now, I’ve learned so much from you guys, the research has been the most I’ve learned a lot from #foliagefriday

Well done🙌 I’ve stopped buying them as i kill them every year. !!
Early Winter 2020

Yup the humidity is a bit high in here but the begonias really need it. What’s a little sprinkle from the green house plastic anyway, #happyplants
Late Autumn 2020

#poinsettia red very pretty with water beads all over it

I see that u got buds on your cactus

Yeah @kelsey92 it is. It’s a cutting for Sarah @saguaro

Give it to her as a Christmas gift

I have many I’m giving to her for Christmas. Been working on many cuttings and clones for Sarah since mid summer or so @kelsey92
Late Autumn 2020

I love how the water beads on a #pointsettia-red #foliagefriday

Beautiful 🤩
Late Autumn 2020

I figured this #poinsettia-red is appropriate for #foliagefriday #bestofnovember #bestof2020
Mid Autumn 2020

#pointsettia-red #waterbeads #upclose #holidayfoliage #foliagefriday

Lovely Poinsettia ♥️♥️♥️
Mid Autumn 2020

My wife made me move her #poinsettia to here section of the garden. She’s right, it looks way better
Mid Autumn 2020

It’s that time of year again. What you guys think

It's a real beauty!💘😍

Love it but I can't have one at all.

What a Beauty 💚❤ @docthrill

Love the red ones. Beautiful ❤️❤️

These all have to be tricked under lights to achieve this at Xmas. Sthn hemisphere

Gorgeous 😍😍
Hard to believe this is a poinsettia 😊 it’s also almost 40 years old #notmypicture
Wow that's absolutely beautiful 😯❤
You’re right it is hard to believe……😮❤️